• Christianity,  Culture,  Homosexuality,  News

    Sexual Immorality Driving a World Health Emergency

    Rod Dreher wrote yesterday about the hypocrisy of public health authorities in 2020 who mandated lockdowns for COVID but who made exceptions for Black Lives Matter protests. Our ruling class’s inconsistency during the summer of 2020 was obviously not being driven by hard science but by social concerns. If you belonged to a favored group (like a BLM protest), then you were allowed to gather. If you belonged to a disfavored group (like a church trying to gather for worship), you were not allowed to gather. While churches were being harassed by local governments for continuing to meet, enormous BLM protests continued apace. The entire spectacle demonstrated in spades that…

  • Abortion,  Culture,  Politics

    The Illiberal Left and Abortion

    Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the consequences of the Supreme Court’s abortion decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. The Democratic majority called three pro-abortion witnesses, and the Republican minority called two pro-life witnesses. I watched most of the hearing and listened to sworn testimony from all five witnesses. You would be hard-pressed to find a more stark expression of the division in our nation than what is on display in this testimony. Three witnesses lamented the overturning of Roe and argued in favor of new federal legislation to ensure abortion rights through all nine months of a woman’s pregnancy. They also argued that restricting abortion rights in…

  • Abortion,  Culture,  Social Justice

    Doubling-down on Abortion Rights on Independence Day

    This morning I received an e-mail from The New York Times advertising a new 8-minute documentary they have produced about what abortion in American looks like after Roe. It’s a first-person narrative of a 27-year old woman who puts herself through a “self-managed” abortion. The film is a how-to guide for anyone living in a state where abortion is illegal. It shows women how to order the drug mifepristone from out of state so that they can put their unborn child to death in the privacy of their own home. This is naked advocacy on the part of The New York Times. The Times is making no pretense to objectivity…

  • Abortion,  Christianity,  Culture,  Politics

    The End of Roe in the Bright Light of June

    On January 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade and its companion decision Doe v. Bolton effectively made abortion-on-demand a Constitutional right in the U.S. through all nine months of pregnancy. Since that time, the regime of Roe has presided over the legal killing of 63 million children. That is more than ten times the people killed in the Jewish holocaust. Roe formed the legal basis for what has become without question the greatest human rights crisis of our time—that a whole class of human beings have been excluded from the human community by our legal system. Today, all of that changed. The Supreme Court of the United States has spoken in…

  • Culture,  Transgenderism

    What Is a Woman?

    I just finished viewing Matt Walsh’s wry and powerful documentary What Is a Woman? This is one of the most timely and compelling films that I have ever seen. The premise is simple. Transgender ideology has swept over the Western world. Given that it is becoming more and more common to see some men identity as women and some women identify as men, surely people who hold to this ideology can tell us what a woman is. It turns out that they can’t. In calm even tones, Walsh put the question to person after person, expert after expert, and activist after activist. And yet none of them can explain what…

  • Abortion,  Culture,  News

    Overturning Roe and the Attempt To Delegitimize SCOTUS

    I’ve been watching the fallout from last night’s bombshell leak of a draft opinion from the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. Of course, this is only a draft and not the court’s final ruling. We won’t know for sure how the court has decided this case until the Court releases it final official ruling. But if this one holds, all I can say is Hallelujah. Roe v. Wade has presided over the legal killing of over 60 million human beings since 1973. That is the holocaust times ten. The regime of Roe v. Wade has effectively given us abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy. And with the body…

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Homosexuality,  Transgenderism

    Gay Is Okay at Baylor after All

    On Tuesday, an announcement appeared on Twitter about the formation of a new LGBTQ+ student group at Baylor University: IT’S OFFICIAL!!! PRISM is Baylor University’s first chartered LGBTQ student organization! Thank you to all the alumni, friends, administrators, and supporters who helped get us to this historic day. #care #community #connection – #PRISMatBaylor #Baylor #LGBTQ pic.twitter.com/RVW5kbafv2 — PRISM at Baylor (@PRISMatBaylor) April 20, 2022 This announcement was no surprise. Students had been lobbying for the University to sanction such a group for years but had been rejected time and again by the board of regents. A year ago, the board finally relented and signaled that change was coming. The Texas…

  • Culture,  Social Justice,  Transgenderism

    Who will speak up for the “transgender” kid?

    Ross Douthat has written one of the most pointed, prophetic paragraphs that I have ever read in a newspaper. He writes: I will make a prediction: Within not too short a span of time, not only conservatives but most liberals will recognize that we have been running an experiment on trans-identifying youth without good or certain evidence, inspired by ideological motives rather than scientific rigor, in a way that future generations will regard as a grave medical-political scandal. Which means that if you are a liberal who believes as much already, but you don’t feel comfortable saying it, your silence will eventually become your regret. There is no question that…

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Transgenderism

    Do you know what a woman is? Ketanji Brown Jackson Doesn’t.

    The video at the bottom of this post is queued up to an extraordinary exchange that occurred at yesterday’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Senator Marsha Blackburn asks Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson if she can define what a woman is. Here’s a transcript of what they said, and you’re not going to believe it. Blackburn: Do you agree with Justice Ginsburg that there are physical differences between men and women that are enduring? Jackson: Um, Senator. Respectfully, I’m not familiar with that particular quote or case, so it’s hard for me to comment as to whether… Blackburn: Okay… Do you interpret Justice Ginsburg’s meaning of “men” and “women” as…

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Don’t Deconstruct

    I posted a few sentences on social media a day or two ago that seem to have kicked the proverbial hornet’s nest. Here’s what I wrote: If you think deconstruction is just another name for reformation or revival, you don’t know what deconstruction is. Reformation dispenses with the bad but holds on to the good. Deconstruction tries to destroy both the good and the bad. Don’t deconstruct. Since writing this, there have been a string of fairly harsh denunciations. Just read the the “quote tweets” of what I wrote, and you’ll see what I mean. The basic objection I’ve read is this. “Denny, you don’t understand what deconstruction is. Deconstruction…