Well, it’s official. The pollsters were wrong for a third election cycle in a row. They all massively failed to predict Trump’s support across the country. They predicted a close race that would basically be a toss-up. They couldn’t have been more wrong. As I write this, the Associated Press and other news outlets have declared Donald Trump President-Elect. Trump not only won the electoral college decisively but is also winning the popular vote. Republicans haven’t won a majority of the popular vote in 36 years and haven’t won the popular vote in 20 years. The New York Times estimates that after the dust settles, Trump will have won 312…
No Facts or Evidence Required
In the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt on former President Trump, social media were treating us to an endless stream of uninformed “hot takes.” Although the better part of wisdom would refuse public speculation, precious few were so restrained. We were told that the shooter was a member of Antifa. We were told that he was Italian. There were even pictures circulating of some poor guy who was identified to be the shooter but who actually had nothing to do with any of it. Within minutes of the shooting, images and video from the site of the shooting began circulating. Some of these appeared on social media in misleading…
Drafting Women into Combat?
Last week, the GOP majority in the House of Representatives passed the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). According to an executive summary released by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the bill would “require the registration of women for Selective Service.” If this were to become law and if the draft were ever to be reinstituted, women could be drafted into a U. S. military that no longer has barriers to women serving in combat. When news of this broke last week, I saw no major news outlets reporting on it. I wrote a column about it for WORLD magazine, but I hardly saw any major news outlets discussing it.…
Why the pro-life cause is a political liability to the GOP
I just read the following observation in an Axios newsletter: “Abortion rights have yet to lose since the end of Roe when the decision has been up to voters instead of legislators or courts.” This is a sobering reality that pro-lifers need to come to terms with. It’s why many Republican politicians are now treating the pro-life cause as a political liability. See Donald Trump’s statement yesterday, and Kari Lake’s statement today. And of course, we know where the Democrats stand. They are even worse by supporting abortion rights through all nine months of a woman’s pregnancy. The politicians are simply reflecting public opinion at this point. The majority of…
Moral seriousness and the post-Christian right
Two sad things happened over the holidays that ought to arrest the attention of Christian conservatives everywhere. The first is the revelation of a calendar featuring scantily clad “conservative” women and being marketed to “conservative” dads. The second is a social media posting from former President Donald Trump calling for his political enemies to “rot in hell.” [Read the rest at WORLD Opinions]
Terminate the Constitution?
Over the weekend, former President Trump wrote the following on Truth Social: You read that correctly—”terminate” the Constitution. This statement surely can be added to the long list of foolish, reprehensible things the former president has said over the years. It repeats his “big steal” gambit. Even worse, it calls for the Constitution of the United States to be overthrown. Nearly two years ago, I wrote about his stolen election claims and the January 6th disgrace, and I suppose I have nothing to add to that (read it here). But on this latest remark about “terminating” the Constitution, it’s worth pointing out that this kind of talk is a complete…
Interview with FRC about Being Personally against but Legally for Gay Marriage
Albert Mohler on Evangelicals and Christian Nationalism
Astead Herndon of The New York Times recently interviewed Dr. Albert Mohler about politics, American evangelicalism, and Christian Nationalism. The interview is a part of “The Guardrails” episode of “The Run-Up” podcast. The New York Times has made a transcript available, which I have excerpted below. This is a fascinating interview on a number of levels. The interviewer is adversarial, but in a polite way and allows Mohler to make his points. Mohler does a better job than just about anyone I’ve heard at parrying charges of Christian Nationalism. It’s fascinating that so many media personalities do not seem to understand that there is no such thing as Christian Nationalism…
The Illiberal Left and Abortion
Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the consequences of the Supreme Court’s abortion decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. The Democratic majority called three pro-abortion witnesses, and the Republican minority called two pro-life witnesses. I watched most of the hearing and listened to sworn testimony from all five witnesses. You would be hard-pressed to find a more stark expression of the division in our nation than what is on display in this testimony. Three witnesses lamented the overturning of Roe and argued in favor of new federal legislation to ensure abortion rights through all nine months of a woman’s pregnancy. They also argued that restricting abortion rights in…
The End of Roe in the Bright Light of June
On January 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade and its companion decision Doe v. Bolton effectively made abortion-on-demand a Constitutional right in the U.S. through all nine months of pregnancy. Since that time, the regime of Roe has presided over the legal killing of 63 million children. That is more than ten times the people killed in the Jewish holocaust. Roe formed the legal basis for what has become without question the greatest human rights crisis of our time—that a whole class of human beings have been excluded from the human community by our legal system. Today, all of that changed. The Supreme Court of the United States has spoken in…