Culture,  Humor

Top 10 YouTubes of 2009

It’s time for my annual posting of the Top 10 YouTube Videos of the Year (see last year’s list here). This ranking is totally unscientific. Only one person was polled to compile this list–yours truly. Except for the John Piper video at the end, the videos are all humorous this time. If you think I’ve left something out, let me know. I’ll think about adding it to the “Honorable Mention” category. Here’s the count down from number 10 to the number 1 video of 2009.

10. Hammertime!

9. Police Sketch Fail

8. Knock Yourself Out

7. Ping Pong Player Excessive Celebration
Talk about a sore winner. Nothing to see here. Move along…
[This one is only available on the YouTube site.]

6. All Things Are Better in Koine
This one is actually from 2008, but I discovered it in 2009. If you have ever taken Greek before, this will make sense. Otherwise, this may be Greek to you.

5. Chick-fil-a

4. Johnny & Chachi’s 90’s Medley
This is the sequel to Johnny and Chachi’s 80’s medley.

3. 25 Things I Hate About Facebook

2. Killer Prayer Tips from Johnny & Chachi

1. The Wedding Song
When I originally wrote about this video last summer, there was a debate in the comments about whether or not one should have such a display in a wedding. I argued that one shouldn’t. Nevertheless, this is still my favorite video of the year.


No, Mr. President
This last video probably belongs in the number one position, but it’s difficult to include this in a list with humorous videos. I think, however, that it may be the most compelling and powerful YouTube of the year.

In January 2009, President Obama released a statement celebrating the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The video below shows Dr. John Piper’s response. As I watched Piper thunder, I thought of John the Baptist’s conflict with Herod. It was a courageous, God-exalting, sin-exposing confrontation with evil. I am grateful to God for Piper’s powerful, prophetic voice in defense of life. If you are interested in hearing the entire sermon you can download it here.


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