To all my Greek students past, present, and future. I thought you would really enjoy this one. Some guys at BIOLA have produced a video about Bible students who have to go through grueling semesters of learning Koine Greek (Koine means “common” and it refers to the popular form of Greek spoken at the time of the New Testament). Here are my favorite lines:
1.     “λέγομαι á¼Î³á½½,” which sounds like “leggo my eggo”
2.    “Bill Mounce gonna make you bounce . . . Daniel Wallace”
I am looking forward to teaching my Greek 4 class this semester, but I promise there will be no rapping . . . well, maybe a little.
(HT: Lee Irons)
Don Johnson
I think there may be a name for when some sounds have a meaning in 2 languages, of course the meanings are often very different.
Okay, it was hilarious. BUT, there was a day, when I was young, many eons ago, when John 3:16 was the most important verse in the Bible. Now I note that the gospel is found in one verse. The wisdom of God has been distilled into the current English rendition of 1 tim. 2:12!
That was great! I loved the rap breakdown, there are not many song slingers that can weave Daniel Wallace into the picture!
much less D.A. Carson…
Thank you for posting the video!! As a friend who was fortunate enough to be a part of the filming of the video, I love to read everyone’s responses to it!
Be blessed!
Love Jessie C.
P.s. The video also features two Biola University NT professors: Dr. Scott Yoshikawa and Dr. Mickey Klink. 😉
Derek North wrote the song and Nick Casucci directed the video. two guys from Biola.