Christianity,  Personal,  Theology/Bible

Tom Schreiner Preaches Acts 20:17-38

Thursday morning’s chapel at SBTS was a memorable one for a number of reasons—not the least of which was Tom Schreiner’s excellent exposition of Acts 20:17-38 (see above). Before Tom preached, however, Dr. Mohler recognized and prayed for someone special in the room—Tom’s wife, Dianne.

Many of you know about the severe head injury that Dianne suffered in an bike accident last August (her son Patrick wrote about it here). When I visited her in the hospital after the accident, she could not walk. She could not talk. It wasn’t clear that she could even recognize friends and acquaintances. The situation was dire. Yet when I greeted her this morning, she was walking and talking up a storm. She recognized me and asked me to pass along a greeting to my wife, whom she also remembered even though she wasn’t there. I was as astonished as I was grateful. Her recovery is ongoing, but this progress was unimaginable only weeks ago. We are rejoicing with the Schreiner’s for this answer to prayer! Praise the Lord!


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