Dr. Danny Akin is the President of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Last week in Southeastern’s chapel, he delivered a prophetic message—a message that I hope all Southern Baptists will embrace. Dr. Akin’s vision is for a Great Commission Resurgence to sweep through the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). In his chapel sermon, he sets forth eleven axioms of such a resurgence. You can download the message here , read the message here, or listen to it below.
[audio:http://www.sebts.edu/images/video/audio/7718677790.mp3]I think Dr. Akin’s vision for the SBC is the right one, and I’m praying for his tribe to increase. There is now a website where you can read the 11 axioms of the Resurgence and sign-up in support of them (www.GreatCommissionResurgence.com).
Southeastern Seminary posted Dr. Akin’s 11 axioms on YouTube. You can view them below.
Axiom 1
Axiom 2
Axiom 3
Axiom 4
Axiom 5
Axiom 6
Axiom 7
Axiom 8
Axiom 9
Axiom 10
Axiom 11
John Holmberg
Wow. I wasn’t able to listen to the whole message, but I did listen to about half. #6 was particularly good. Denny, “prophetic” is certainly the right word to describe this, and I am thrilled that it is coming from a president at a Southern Baptist seminary. It wasn’t about culture wars, politics, etc; it was about Gospel and mission. I’m sure he made some people really mad, but that’s what makes it prophetic. No offense, Denny, but it actually surprises me that you’re not critical of it.
You can’t go wrong with a resurgence in mission. Mission is the single most ecumenical driving force the universal church has, and I pray Dr. Akin’s words are not only heeded by the SBC, but by the church universal which includes all denominations. It’s time to get past methodological issues and the liberal/conservative divide of the 1920s and defining ourselves by who we are not, and it’s time to start engaging in mission and leading people to the Savior, and this includes social concerns as well.
I am reluctant to sign on to this document at the moment. I would hope for some clarity on certain issues in these axioms. Dr. Bart Barber can say my concerns better than I can, and he has done so at his blog…. Praisegodbarebones.blogspot.com. I wish that you would read the concerns that he has…and that I share with him…and comment on what he says. I would appreciate your input on this.
Please dont get me wrong. I’m all for a Great Commission Resurgence in the SBC, and I’m not against change in the SBC, but I do have some concerns that cause me to not sign this at the moment.
Don Johnson
Just as the SBC repented from their position on slavery, so will the future see the SBC repent from their position on comp. in the recent BFM.
did you really write that you’re praying for his “tribe” to increase?
i am of paul
i am of Christ
i am of apollos
i am of . . . akin?
think about it man, think about it
Mike: If you listened to Dr. Akin’s sermon you would have understood Denny’s reference to “his tribe.” It has nothing to do with what Paul is writing to the Corinthians about.
then why don’t you clarify what his “tribe” is instead of simply saying i’m wrong about it? anybody? okay then
Matt Svoboda
haha… Oh, Don. At it again.
When the SBC repents of its comp position that will be when the SBC is deteriorating into liberalism again.
I hope this isn’t overly off topic but..
Under “V. we must affirm the Baptist Faith, ect.” (this comes from the manuscript, i’m more of a reader then a listener)
He states as a apparently matter of secondary importance:
“Does baptism require only right member (born again), right meaning
(believer’s) and right mode (immersion) or does it also require the right administrator (ever how that is defined).”
Can someone please clarify the debate over “right administrator” and what he means by this? [it is apparently a debated thing, but I can’t seem to find a website on it]
Ferg Breen
Just as the SBC repented from their position on slavery, so will the future see the SBC repent from their position on comp. in the recent BFM.
I love this. I also wonder when the Great Commission in Mark will ever be talked about. Casting out demons, doing miracles and so one should be a NORMAL part of the christian life. It’s about experiencing God not just knowing about him.
Jesus didn’t say my sheep will read my book he said they will hear my voice.
Matt Svoboda
It is about experiencing God, but it is about experiencing him according to His Word. I can speak gibberish, pretend to cast our demons, and slap someone on the forehead, but that would not be experiencing God.
Ferg Breen
haha. Not sure if you were trying to be funny but you made me laugh Matt.
Are you denying that we can cast out demons in the name of Jesus or are you just against people abusing it?
I think most christians try to ignore Mark 16.
Mike: Sorry, I haven’t been on since yesterday.
The reference to “increasing tribe” occurred in Axiom VIII: We must recognize the need to rethink our Convention structure and identity so that we maximize our energy and resources for the fulfilling of the Great
Commission. (1 Cor. 10:31).
Dr. Akin spoke of how the SBC is still using 20th century tactics in the 21st century. He stated that there are people attempting to change this philosophy and… “Praise God I/we live in a state where our Convention leaders are trying to do something about this. Their tribe must increase! We waste too much time and too many resources and many are fed
up saying, “enough is enough!†“
Joe Blackmon
When the SBC repents of its comp position that will be when the SBC is deteriorating into liberalism again.
And ALL God’s people said “Amen”.
Darius T
Ferg! Did you ever get that Dalrymple book, and what did you think?
Matt Svoboda
I am certainly against people abusing it. I am not a strict cessationist, but I certainly don’t think casting demon out is supposed to be everyday normal Christian practice.
That assumes the longer ending of Mark is original though, right?
Not that I’m against exorcism, but just not based on the longer ending of Mark
Ferg Breen
Everytime I give a testimony or a word of knowledge to someone they say “I’m not a strict cessationist”. I’m not going to argue over whether Jesus was being serious about casting out demons but I’m always saddened to hear of people making light of the charismata as they have no idea of the power in Christ they are missing out on. And the freedom and healing that it can bring to people. I’ve seen so many set free in the name of Christ. God is so much more active than most of Christianity give him credit for.
I’m not saying you don’t as I’ve no idea on your experience’s of Christ; i’m just making a statement.
Darius, that book is sitting at home waiting to be read. I’m traveling for 6 months so I couldn’t bring many books. Although we did have to buy a new bag as we’ve bought so many while away!
Darius T
I agree with Ferg. Christians, by and large, have a very low expectation level of God when it comes to healing and exorcism. And if He does heal, we think He’ll usually only do so in a relatively passive, subtle sense. And don’t expect us to get involved by actually COMMANDING the healing, that would be so Benny Hinn.
Unfortunately, the alternative seems to be Benny Hinn. I haven’t seen many churches strike the right balance between miracles and cessationism. Either you are a Christian who just passively prays for healing or a Christian who casts out demons every Sunday (and especially so when the offering baskets are being passed).
Every hyper Charismatic church should remember Jesus’s words: “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” Or Paul’s words: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.”
Ferg Breen
nicely put darius
Do we realy want a bunch of little danny’s deciding the destiny of SBC? Why not a bunch of others? Some other tribe? JB