
What’s Happening in Louisville?

In my last post, I mentioned that I have been without power due to Hurrican Ike. Yes, believe it or not, we got hurricane force winds way up here in Louisville, Kentucky. As a result, the entire campus of Southern Seminary is without power. Moreover, about 300,000 homes and businesses in Louisville are still withouth electricity and will be for some time.

Governor Steve Beshear declared a state of emergency on Sunday in a press release. The governor has said that “This is the biggest outage on record in the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” and officials estimate that it will take 10-14 days to restore power to parts of the city that have lost it.

The good news is that Southern Seminary is doing very well. The buildings sustained no major damage, and no one was hurt. We have cancelled classes for the week, but we are still serving students who are living on campus.

On Sunday evening, students and other members of the Southern Seminary family met in Chiles Hall for an impromptu meal of hot dogs (served by none other than Dr. Albert Mohler and his wife Mary). The most memorable part of the evening was dishing out a huge inventory of ice cream before it melted. No one complained about that! The “Inside Southern” blog has a brief story on the evening, along with a picture of yours truly eating some of the soon-to-be-melted delicacies. In spite of everything, it was a great evening.


  • Truth Unites... and Divides

    Good to hear that it was a great evening in spite of everything that’s happened! God is good!

    God bless you and protect you and your family and all the good folks at Southern Seminary.

  • Don

    That is neat hearing how Dr. and Mrs. Mohler served the students food. What a great example!

    It is times like those that will be remembered.

  • Benjamin A


    I would agree with you on this one, that Dr. Mohler as the leader (head figure) of the seminary along with his wife, demonstrated servant-leadership to the student body that will not be soon forgotten.

  • Don

    Here is my understanding.

    Every believer is to be a servant. Some believers are gifted with leadership ministry gifts.

    It is wrong to think that if one is gifted with a leadership ministry gift that one is no longer to be a servant. I am glad to see that the Mohlers’ are acting this out in this example.

    One of the ways to teach is thru example.

  • Brian (Another)

    Wow. Guys, it was a great gesture. Stop it (both of you!). Don’t make me turn this car around 😉 !

    Unlike a car ride, though, I don’t think one complains of the other being on his side (ha ha?).

  • Paul

    Don and Lydia both commenting in a thread, and it DIDN’T turn into a debate about complimentarians and egalitarians?

    I’m losing faith in this blog community.

    Denny, glad to see you’re doing well.

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