As far as New Testament scholars go, Tom Schreiner is the best of the best in my view. Those of you who are attending The Gospel Coalition conference this Spring will have the opportunity to study with Schreiner in a special course offered in conjunction with the meeting. You can earn six hours of transferable course credit through Southern Seminary [view syllabus]. Students will attend exclusive lectures, panel discussions, and events featuring renowned professors and pastors throughout the conference. For more about this opportunity and an interview with Schreiner about the course read here.
Don Johnson
What he did say looks good. But he did not mention one of the themes of Luke, the women disciples. I hope he considers the implications of the women inclusio mentioned by Richard Bauchham that starts in Luke 8.
Vaidas Krasauskas
Is it possible for a student from NOBTS to take this class and receive a credit from SBTS?
Denny Burk
Yes, the credit is transferable.