Eric Teetsel is the executive director of the Manhattan Declaration, and today he offers some poignant reflections about his friend and former roommate Tim. This portion in particular struck me:
One lesson in particular stands out from the rest. Tim vacillated between acceptance of his sexual inclinations and the greater calling of his faith for years before finally finding rest in the decision to let Jesus be enough. That arduous journey was made much, much more difficult by voices from within the Church encouraging him to embrace his inclination to homosexuality.
During times when I wonder if my work with the Manhattan Declaration is worth it, I think about Tim. I imagine what it would be like if friends, counselors, pastors, and theologians worked to convince me that my greatest struggles with sin were unnecessary. That to be prideful, lusty, and greedy is just “how I was made” and that God loves me just the same. How tempting to believe such a lie! How much would I need voices of truth reminding me of my higher calling? To remind me that while God loves me just as I am, He loves me enough to make possible something greater?
The debate over homosexuality and gay marriage among theologians and churchmen is not an abstraction. It’s about whether or not the church will be able to continue to rescue the perishing. It’s about people like Tim.
I hope more brothers like Tim will share their story. No matter what is going on at the level of public policy, the cause of the gospel goes forth in power. And there is nothing that can hold it back. Tim is the evidence of this.
I’m certain that he still has a tough row to hoe in front of him, this is the prayer that came to mind as I watched his video testimony (see above). Perhaps you would pray this for Tim as well:
“To this end also we pray for you always that our God may make you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power; in order that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” – 2 Thess. 1:11-12
You can read the rest of Eric’s remarks here.