• Christianity,  Culture

    Billy Graham on Jerry Falwell

    The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association released these remarks from Billy Graham concerning the death of Jerry Falwell: “I knew him to be a man of God. His accomplishments went beyond most clergy of his generation. Some of my grandchildren have attended and currently attend Liberty University. He leaves a gigantic vacuum in the evangelical world.” –Billy Graham

  • Christianity,  Culture

    The Legacy of Jerry Falwell

    The panelists at the “On Faith” site of the Washington Post are discussing the legacy of Dr. Jerry Falwell. So far, there are only two responses, one by Susan Jacoby and the other by R. Albert Mohler, but I expect that we’ll see many more. I’ll post some of my own reflections later. Dr. Mohler writes:

  • Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Al Mohler on “Larry King Live”

    Dr. Albert Mohler, the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, appeared on “Larry King Live” last night to discuss religion and the 2008 Presidential race. He was among a panel of guests that included Jim Wallis, David Kuo, Barry Lynn, and David Gergen. The conversation was very illuminating not for what we learned from those representing the secular left (Barry Lynn and David Gergen), but for what we learned from those representing the religious left (Jim Wallis and David Kuo).

  • Theology/Bible

    Mitt Romney Brings Mormonism into the Public Square

    A recent interview with Mitt Romney is the occasion for this post, but this is not a political post. It’s theological. In an interview with Mike Wallace on the CBS program “60 Minutes,” Romney explains why he affirms traditional marriage and opposes same-sex “marriage.” “This isn’t just some temporary convenience here on Earth, but we’re people that are designed to live together as male and female and we’re gonna have families . . . What’s at the heart of my faith is a belief that there’s a creator, that we’re all children of the same God, and that fundamentally the relationship you have with your spouse is important and eternal”…

  • Sports

    Nowitzki Will Win MVP Trophy

    ESPN reports that the star of the Dallas Mavericks will win the MVP trophy. Asked for comment on finishing the season with an astounding 67 wins, Nowitzki said: “I’ve said it a million times: We could go 82-0 and we know it means nothing unless we win it all.” There are many fans here in Big “D” who couldn’t agree more with that sentiment.

  • Theology/Bible

    12 Ways to Love Your Wayward Child

    John Piper’s son introduces 12 ways to love your wayward child with the following statement: Many parents are brokenhearted and completely baffled by their unbelieving son or daughter. They have no clue why the child they raised well is making such awful, destructive decisions. I’ve never been one of these parents, but I have been one of these sons. Reflecting back on that experience, I offer these suggestions to help you reach out to your wayward child. John Piper commends his son’s reflections with these words: My son Abraham, who speaks from the wisdom of experience and Scripture, has written the article that follows. I read it with tears and…