The owners of Hobby Lobby, David and Barbara Green, are Christians. In the video above, they sit down with some of their executives and talk about what Hobby Lobby stands for and how they do business. In short, they try to incorporate Christian principles in the way that they lead their company.
After watching this, I’m sure you’ll agree with me. This is the kind of business that we need more of in this country, not less. What we don’t need is for the government to put such people out of business by fining them over $1 million dollars a day. Yet that is exactly what is happening right now because the Greens are not complying with Obamacare’s abortion mandate.
Don Johnson
What a witness!
First time I have ever heard the word “longage”.
Paul Jacobs
The only right that the Obama administration care about is the right to abortion. It is amazing that while the First Amendment is clear about the right of the government to restrict the establishment of religion, libs will ignore this. Yet, for the “right to privacy” that is not found in the constitution, they believe that the unwritten right trumps the clearly written right.
dot posey
we need to pray BIG blessing over hobby lobby , and any other christian based store….thank u Jesus for these stores.
Belle Vierge
Hormonal contraception is not abortion. You strike me as a highly-educated man, thus I am surprised by your inaccurate statement. There are better arguments you could use than misinformation to support your position.
Peter Storandt
Thank you, Belle. Fanning the flames is not the way to deal with disputes of this kind.
Becky Barnes
Becky Barnes
IUD’s and the Morning After Pill DO CAUSE abortions. They prevent the FERTILIZED egg (read “human embryo”) from implanting in the uterus. Birth control pills that prevent ovulation are not considered abortifacients because the egg is never fertilized.