One of the hardest things to read today are biased news reports aimed at gaslighting parents who are concerned about LGBT indoctrination at public schools. Case in point: A headline in The Washington Post yesterday reads “Claim that sex ed ‘grooms’ kids jolted Nebraska politics a year before it swept the nation.” The story goes on to describe the efforts of parents in Nebraska to push back against the state’s efforts to introduce LGBT propaganda into their children’s public school curriculum. Lest you think this an unbiased report on a bellwether social issue in Nebraska, the subtitle reads: The unsubstantiated claim led to a backlash against sex ed that helped…
Sexual Immorality Driving a World Health Emergency
Rod Dreher wrote yesterday about the hypocrisy of public health authorities in 2020 who mandated lockdowns for COVID but who made exceptions for Black Lives Matter protests. Our ruling class’s inconsistency during the summer of 2020 was obviously not being driven by hard science but by social concerns. If you belonged to a favored group (like a BLM protest), then you were allowed to gather. If you belonged to a disfavored group (like a church trying to gather for worship), you were not allowed to gather. While churches were being harassed by local governments for continuing to meet, enormous BLM protests continued apace. The entire spectacle demonstrated in spades that…
Study Denies That Depression Is Caused by Chemical Imbalance in the Brain
Science Daily reported yesterday on a new study calling into question long-standing views about what causes depression. The study was conducted by scientists at the University College London. Science Daily reports: After decades of study, there remains no clear evidence that serotonin levels or serotonin activity are responsible for depression… Lead author Professor Joanna Moncrieff, a Professor of Psychiatry at UCL and a consultant psychiatrist at North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), said: “It is always difficult to prove a negative, but I think we can safely say that after a vast amount of research conducted over several decades, there is no convincing evidence that depression is caused by…
Candidates for SBC President Discuss the Issues
The three candidates for the Presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention just completed a two hour discussion about the issues facing Southern Baptists. They discussed CRT, the sex-abuse task force, and a variety of other issues. You can watch the video below.
Overturning Roe and the Attempt To Delegitimize SCOTUS
I’ve been watching the fallout from last night’s bombshell leak of a draft opinion from the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. Of course, this is only a draft and not the court’s final ruling. We won’t know for sure how the court has decided this case until the Court releases it final official ruling. But if this one holds, all I can say is Hallelujah. Roe v. Wade has presided over the legal killing of over 60 million human beings since 1973. That is the holocaust times ten. The regime of Roe v. Wade has effectively given us abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy. And with the body…
Thank You, Coach O.
Tonight LSU’s head football Coach Ed Orgeron released a statement announcing his parting of ways with LSU. As usual, he’s as honest as the day is long about why he must leave. He just didn’t win enough games over the last two seasons. He writes: A Letter from Ed Orgeron — LSU Football (@LSUfootball) October 17, 2021 Coach Orgeron and LSU athletic director also held a press conference to announce the news. Don’t be surprised if you sense a certain ambivalence from LSU fans about Coach Orgeron’s departure. The ambivalence is real because two things are true at the same time. It’s the right decision, and it’s a really…
Lisa Beamer Shares Candidly Twenty Years On
Every now and again, I will think about Lisa Beamer and wonder how she and her children are doing. It’s usually around the 9/11 anniversary that I will remember her husband Todd and then recall her. More than once, I have searched on the internet for news or an interview. But there really isn’t much there. What is there is really dated. It’s like she disappeared. But then earlier this evening out of nowhere, I learned that she spoke at Wheaton College to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11. It is great to see her again and to hear her share so candidly. Don’t miss this one. You can watch…
Lisa Beamer’s Account of Todd Beamer on Flight 93
Todd Beamer was an evangelical Christian and one of the heroes of Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. His last conversation with a telephone operator named Lisa Jefferson bears witness to great courage and grace. The account below is from Lisa Beamer’s 2002 book Let’s Roll! Ordinary People, Extraordinary Courage (Tyndale House). Todd Beamer left behind a pregnant wife and two children. Read every bit of this, and remember. Lisa Jefferson indicated to me that at several points during their fifteen-minute phone call, Todd put the phone down, moved around the plane to talk with other passengers, and then returned to their conversation. Lisa told me, “If I hadn’t known it was…
A Meditation on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11
I’ll never forget where I was on September 11, 2001. My wife and I were in our second year of marriage, and we were living in Louisville, Kentucky while I was working on my Ph.D. On the morning of the attacks, I had a seminar later that day, and I was in our apartment when she called me from her work to tell me to turn the television on. I think both buildings had already been struck by the time I tuned in, but I was watching live television as the towers eventually crumbled to the ground. Americans were horrified by what we saw that day. As the flames engulfed…
9/11: One Day in America
Earlier this week I finished watching the new National Geographic documentary titled “9/11: One Day in America.” I cannot recommend this program highly enough. The documentary does not focus on pundits or politicians and what they did that day. Rather, it focuses on the lives and stories of the people at ground zero in Manhattan. We became familiar with many of these faces 20 years ago in the immediate aftermath. It is good to see so many of them again telling their stories in long form. I know that there are many retrospectives that have been produced in the lead-up to the 20th anniversary. But this one really is the…