• Humor,  News

    Usage Note on “Re-Accommodate”

    United CEO response to United Express Flight 3411. pic.twitter.com/rF5gNIvVd0 — United (@united) April 10, 2017 By now you have all heard about the United Airlines fiasco involving the violent removal of a ticketed passenger. I won’t rehash the whole story here (although I did get a first person account from my colleague John Klaassen who was seated right in front of the removed passenger; see the guy in the orange shirt here). After videos of the incident went viral, the CEO of United released a statement claiming that passenger had been “re-accommodated.” This neologism has been widely mocked—especially since video footage of the incident had already been seen by half…

  • Entertainment,  Humor

    Top 10 YouTubes of 2016

    It’s time for my annual posting of the Top 10 YouTube Videos of the Year (see last year’s list here). This ranking is totally unscientific. Only one person was polled to compile this list—yours truly. This year’s slate of videos is mainly humorous, with some other odds and ends thrown in. If you think I’ve left something out, let me know. I’ll think about adding it to the “Honorable Mention” category at the bottom. If you’re interested, here are links to lists from previous years: 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 1. Brothers convince sister of zombie apocalypse It’s another one…

  • Humor,  Music

    The man who sings funny “O Holy Night” revealed!

    Many of you will be familiar with the hilarious internet meme that comes around every Christmas involving a truly horrid rendition of “O Holy Night.” I have posted the song on this site in the past. If somehow you haven’t managed to hear it yet, here’s your chance: – For years, this piece of Christmas candy has floated around the internet without attribution or provenance. Nobody knew where it came from, although there were some pretenders who took credit for it.

  • Entertainment,  Humor

    Top 10 YouTubes of 2015

    It’s time for my annual posting of the Top 10 YouTube Videos of the Year (see last year’s list here). This ranking is totally unscientific. Only one person was polled to compile this list—yours truly. This year’s slate of videos is mainly humorous, with a dash of overrepresentation from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. If you think I’ve left something out, let me know. I’ll think about adding it to the “Honorable Mention” category at the bottom. If you’re interested, here are links to lists from previous years: 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

  • Christianity,  Humor

    Christian Mingle Inspector

    This humor of this video only works if you have some familiarity with evangelical subculture. If that’s you, enjoy. From the YouTube description: Christian Mingle, the popular Christian dating website, employs standup comedian John Crist to approve or reject applicants to their website. Note: This video is a joke.

  • Christianity,  Humor

    My ranking of gloriously awesomer Xtian album covers

    Relevant magazine recently published “The Definitive Ranking of Insanely Awesome Christian Album Covers.” And while this is a respectable list, I am not yet ready to say it is the “definitive ranking”—not by a long shot. Relevant may not have done its due diligence on this one. I’m a bit of a connoisseur myself when it comes to such things, so I offer my own top ten ranking of gloriously awesomer Christian album covers.