It’s time for my annual posting of the Top 10 YouTube Videos of the Year (see last year’s list here). This ranking is totally unscientific. Only one person was polled to compile this list—yours truly. This year’s slate of videos is mainly humorous, with some other odds and ends thrown in. If you think I’ve left something out, let me know. I’ll think about adding it to the “Honorable Mention” category at the bottom.
If you’re interested, here are links to lists from previous years:
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1. Brothers convince sister of zombie apocalypse
It’s another one of those coming-out-of-anesthesia videos. And I think it’s my favorite of all time.
2. Millennial International
Millennial International is a sponsor-based program designed to help Millennials live the lives they portray on Instagram. I hope you’ll consider sponsoring one of them.
3. Bad Lip-Reading: The Empire Strikes Back
4. How To Spot Suspicious Halloween Candy
5. Milk Commercial Tribute to “Sixteen Candles”
Okay, GenX’ers. Don’t miss the couple playing the parents at the end.
6. Man punches kangaroo in race to rescue dog
7. Trump and Clinton Perform “Time of My Life” Duet
8. Best Political Ad of the Year
9. On Identity and Bathroom Laws
10. Free Speech Zone
This one hurts too much to laugh.
“Dancing in the Street” Silent Music Video
Friends Awakens
Sad Affleck
P. S. I liked Batman v. Superman, and I liked Affleck. The criticism seemed a little bandwagony to me.
Eugene Peterson and Bono talk about the Psalms
A Showstopper at the Lincoln Memorial
Backflip over speeding Formula E car
“The Shot” in Slow Motion
The 2016 NCAA men’s basketball championship was a game for the ages.
The shot. Nova Champs.
— Joe Buettner (@Joe_Buettner) April 5, 2016
A Two-Party System
This video hails from a 1996 episode of “The Simpsons.” Nevertheless, it was very 2016, so I included it here.