I’m not a Seahawks fan, but I like Russell Wilson and Pete Carrol better for doing this. Greatness.
Super Bowl Party Stereotypes
Dude Perfect has nailed it on this one. They are Super Bowl Party Stereotypes. Do you recognize any of these? Watch above.
Christmas Chaos
This really explains a lot. I think this guy may be stealing sox from my dryer as well. (HT: Igniter Media)
Forget Bibliotheca. You need “Biblica Hipsteria.”
You may have heard a little something about the Bibliotheca project—a Kickstarter venture aimed at producing a Bible worthy to be judged by its cover. But have you heard of Biblica Hipsteria? Not only will this Bible make you look good. It will turn you into a Democrat! This is a devastating parody and laugh-out-loud funny. Seriously, though. Doesn’t everyone need a Bible with a mustache on the cover? Michael Bird, you are cracking me up over here! But I do have one question. Did you have to borrow those clothes?
Singer Dave Barnes gives Karate lessons
(HT: 22 Words)
29 celebrity impressions in one “Perfect” song
Here’s a little humor for your Thursday morning. In the video above, Rob Cantor performs an original song with 29 different celebrity impressions. It’s quite impressive. I was most entertained by Ray Romano, Gwen Stefani, Shakira, and Britney Spears. What are your favorites?
Happy Belated Birthday to… Napoleon Dynamite
How could I have missed it? I do not know, but I did. Yesterday, Napoleon Dynamite turned ten years old. Happy Birthday, Napoleon. You are an American treasure. Now go back to drawing some Ligers.
A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL
Thanks to Mike Cosper for highlighting the latest installment of “A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL.” These crack me up. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!
Dude Perfect drains it from 500 feet
Dude Perfect took their mad skills atop Reunion Tower in downtown Dallas and drained the nuclear three from 500 feet. Neato!
Top 10 YouTubes of 2013
It’s time for my annual posting of the Top 10 YouTube Videos of the Year (see last year’s list here). This ranking is totally unscientific. Only one person was polled to compile this list—yours truly. This year’s crop contains items relating to sports, theology, news, Christianity, and more. Some of the videos are humorous, and others are poignant. They’re not all actual YouTubes. They’re just internet videos. If you think I’ve left something out, let me know. I’ll think about adding it to the “Honorable Mention” category at the bottom. If you’re interested, here are links to lists from previous years: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008