• Christianity,  Music

    Jennifer Knapp is NOT worthless

    Jennifer Knapp has come out of the closet as a lesbian, according to a recent interview with Christianity Today. In 2000, Knapp was at the top of her game as a Christian music artist, and in 2003 she announced that she was stepping away from it all. A lot has changed since then. Knapp has a new album coming out, and she is now talking openly about her homosexuality. The interview with CT is heart-rending in more ways than one. She reveals that she has been in an 8-year relationship with a same-sex partner and that she no longer attends church. She makes it clear that the Bible’s authority is…

  • Christianity

    Interview with Gina Welch

    Trevin Wax has a fascinating interview with Gina Welch, the atheist author of In the Land of Believers. Her outsider’s take on all things evangelical continues to intrigue. Here’s a snippet of her remarks: ‘My experience with believers tells me that belief in God isn’t a result of reasoning, that most people come to belief because they inherited it or because they had a profound emotional experience that made God seem real. In the evangelism class I took at Thomas Road, we learned that the precondition for talking to someone about the Gospel was the question, “Do you believe in God and the Bible?” The script assumed the answer would…

  • Christianity,  News

    Russell Moore on Russian Adoption Crisis

    Russell Moore has posted his thoughts on the Russian adoption crisis. He writes: “I nervously switched off the television early Sunday morning as I heard my children bounding toward the door. I didn’t want them to hear the news. I didn’t want to hear it myself. Every time I see what is going on in Russia, with the government calling for an immediate halt on American adoptions, I think about the orphanage where I first met my two oldest sons. “And I want to cry. “The news reports are appalling, to be sure. A grandmother in Tennessee reportedly placed a child adopted from a Russian orphanage on a plane bound…

  • Christianity

    McLaren Doesn’t Want To Hurt Anybody?

    Brian McLaren has written an article for the Huffington Post answering the question “Why Do Evangelicals Dislike Me So Much?” The article is a response in part to the forum on his book that was held at SBTS. He basically accuses some evangelical leaders of being mean-spirited purveyors of dead tradition, and he says that these evangelical leaders have manipulated their followers into hating him. He justifies his own dissent from orthodoxy in this way: “When my conscience tells me that I’m hurting people by complying with religious conventions,… I start asking questions. That’s why I wrote my book, and that’s why I’m willing to get into trouble for it.”…

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Who said that?

    You get 100 points in the big book in the sky if you can name the source of this quote: “Even after the passage of 2,000 years, we can still picture the moment in our mind’s eye. The young man from Nazareth marched through Jerusalem; object of scorn and derision and abuse and torture by an empire. The agony of crucifixion amid the cries of thieves. The discovery, just three days later, that would forever alter our world — that the Son of Man was not to be found in His tomb and that Jesus Christ had risen. “We are awed by the grace He showed even to those who…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Get Serious about Pornography

    Last week, National Review Online published an anonymous article titled “Getting Serious about Pornography.” The testimonial of the author is heart-rending. She writes: “By his own account, my husband of 13 years and high-school sweetheart, was first exposed to pornography around age ten. He viewed it regularly during high school and college — and, although he tried hard to stop, continued to do so throughout the course of our marriage…

  • Christianity,  Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Obamacare and Civil Disobedience

    I’ve already been asked about the morality of paying taxes to the U. S. government in light of the new healthcare law which provides federal subsidies for abortion. Albert Mohler answers that question today in an extended essay on his website, and I commend it to you. “Render Unto Caesar? On Paying Taxes After Obamacare” – by Albert Mohler Mohler builds on two New Testament texts in particular that I think are important: Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17. Mohler rightly identifies the governing authority during Paul’s and Peter’s time as the Roman Empire. Both texts command Christians to subject themselves to governing authorities, and Romans 13:7 specifically commands Christians…

  • Christianity,  News

    Kevin DeYoung at Boyce College

    We look forward to welcoming Kevin DeYoung to speak at Boyce College at 9:30pm on April 12th in Heritage Hall. DeYoung is no stranger to the students of Boyce College and Southern Seminary. He is an author whose books are top-shelf items among our people (see especially Just Do Something, Why We’re Not Emergent, Why We Love the Church, and The Good News We Almost Forgot [forthcoming]). He is the Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan. And we couldn’t be happier to welcome him to campus.