
Abortion Orthodoxy

This news is not news to anyone who’s been paying attention. But it is interesting to read a statement like the following in the Op-Ed pages of the New York Times. Melinda Henneberger writes:

“Democrats are too unwilling to tolerate dissent on abortion. It is a point of orthodoxy no more open to debate within the party than the ordination of women is in Rome.”

Henneberger has made a correct observation. Not even Republicans are as pro-life as Democrats are pro-choice. It is inconceivable that a pro-life Democrat could run on a national ticket in the Democrat party today. The same is not true with the Republicans.

My hope and prayer is that both parties would one day be stridently pro-life and that the pro-choice position would be seen as backward and retrograde as Jim Crow. But there is much work to be done before that can happen.



    “My hope and prayer is that both parties would one day be stridently pro-life and that the pro-choice position would be seen as backward and retrograde as Jim Crow. But there is much work to be done before that can happen.”

    Amen. It’s my hope that a generation will one day look back on ours with incredulity, wondering what we were thinking, much as we look back on pro-slavery folks.

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