Sam Hodges of the Dallas Morning News reports that Pastor Dwight McKissic has resigned as a trustee of Southwestern Seminary. Pastor McKissic has released his letter of resignation in which he writes:
“My involvement as a trustee has been a huge distraction from my ministry priorities for the past nine months. I’ve devoted too much mental, physical, emotional and even spiritual energy to matters resulting from the aftermath of my chapel sermon. I’ve been distracted and consumed with SBC/SWBTS matters the past nine months in a way that I haven’t been the past 24 years of pastoring an SBC church. It has taken a tremendous toll on my family and ministry, and my wife believes it has negatively impacted my health. I simply want to return to the place I was prior to being a trustee.”
See also:
“Trustee resigns over theological dispute” – Brett Hoffman (Forth Worth Star-Telegram)
“Trustee Resigns Over Speaking in Tongues” – Associated Press
“McKissic resigns as seminary trustee” – Jerry Pierce (Baptist Press)
“McKissic Resigns as Southwestern Seminary Trustee” – Elizabeth Lawson (Christianity Today)
(HT: Baptist Blogger)
David Burnett
I like McKissic alot. Good move on his part I believe.
Don F
I had the privelage of meeting Pastor McKissic at the convention. He is a good man and I wish him well. I also hope the media will report this in a just, fair and factual manner and not misrepresent either Pastor McKissic, SWBTS, or the SBC in any way.
Luke Britt
that’s good. Good for McKizzle Shizzle
Don F
Following is a link to Baptist Press article on Pastor McKissic’s resignation. A little more detail, and I feel, a better report than that of the Dallas Morning News and Ft Worth Star Telegram’s articles.
Tripp Spangler
I can understand the reasoning behind those comments. We can often lose sight of the true ministry that God has called us too.
We must never allow secondary issues to stand in the way of completing what God has truly called us to do.