I can’t tell you how full my heart is at the news of Dr. Kent Brantley’s recovery. I can only imagine how his family must be feeling to have him back after thirty very dark days of uncertainty and perhaps even of despair.
The video above is the statement that Dr. Brantly made upon his release earlier today. It’s fantastic. Among other things he describes how he cried out to the Lord as the illness descended upon him, “I prayed that God would help me be faithful even in my illness and that in my life, even in my death, he would be glorified.” How grateful we should be for this dear brother’s life and for that of his colleague Nancy Writebol. God is merciful.
I am reminded of the lines from John Piper’s poem about Dr. Brantly and Ms. Writebol:
Fly back to us, our joy, our crown…
They are back… all the way back. Thanks be to God!
And we should thank God for the doctors, who, without mentioning His name, gave the honor to God – in my view – by pointing out that the treatment of Dr. Brantley will put them in a better position to help other Ebola victims. We know, that everything must serve to the best of those who love God. But what God allowed in this case, has an impact far beyond.