I have lots of thoughts about the final meeting of Together for the Gospel (T4G) last week. I may try to put some of them together at some point, but that is not the point of my post today.
The final T4G has given me an occasion to think back to the most memorable moments from T4G over the years. I’ve already written about one of them. Another one that I have always remembered was from 2012, and it involved Carl Trueman. I will never forget it.
In the lead-up to T4G that year, Trueman had published a series of warnings online about celebrity pastors (see here, here, here, here). Those warnings led to a very public debate/exchange with Thabiti Anyabwile. As a result of that, T4G invited Trueman to the conference to issue his warnings about celebrity pastors in-person while sitting right there among the celebrity pastors of T4G.
In my view, what Trueman said there were among some of the most important words ever uttered at a T4G meeting. The video below is queued up to the relevant portion. Watch it all the way through if you can.