Personal,  Theology/Bible

To Change It Would Make It Worse

There have been a lot of comments under my post about John Piper’s remarks concerning the collapse of the I-35 bridge. The controversy has centered on how God can be sovereign given that the world is filled with suffering.

My best friend of 23 years has written on this topic, and you may want to check it out. It’s a personal reflection on his mother’s death that is worth considering.

“To Change It Would Make It Worse” – by Barry Joslin (Baptist Press) 


  • Bryan L

    “The controversy has centered on how God can be sovereign given that the world is filled with suffering.”

    I think the controversy has more to do with the definition of sovereignty and whether God’s sovereignty means he control everything or he’s the cause behind everything bad that happens. Also I think many can’t see how a good and loving God would use so much evil and tragedy for his good purposes.

    Bryan L

  • mlm

    More than saying God is in control, more than saying it was wise and good that we should suffer…the most difficult thing to say would be something such as, “The devil beat me. Jesus said Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy–and Satan has succeeded. I lost this fight of faith and I take responsiblity for that much, knowing and declaring that God is not at fault. God is not to blame. He did not do this horrible thing. Yet there is a hope that anchors my soul. I may have lost the battle, but I will not lose the war.”

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