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So you think Kermit Gosnell is a one-off?

I have noticed that many abortion advocates have been acting as if the atrocities of Kermit Gosnell are a one-off anomaly—as if there are no other late term abortionists in the United States who have to deal with infants born alive. Nothing could be further from the truth. Live Action has produced a couple undercover videos showing how routine both late-term abortions are. The videos also show that late-term abortionists everywhere have to deal with infants who survive abortions.

The video above shows a clinic worker telling a woman to flush her baby down the toilet if the baby survives the abortion. The video below shows an abortion doctor describing what he would do if a baby survived an abortion. In short, he says he would let it die on the table (which is illegal).


  • Ian Shaw

    This is almost the same argument that is given when those agaisnt homosexual marriage reference the potential discrimination to private business owners. Gay groups claimed “yeah, that won’t happen” and it did. This is the same. The pro-choice apologists (including PP) said that this is a freak occurance and an anomoly. Facts are a real thorn in the side aren’t they?

    The facts ma’am, just the facts.

  • keithkraska

    Not to in any way mitigate the horror of the atrocity exposed here, or the evil of all abortion, but is it ethical to use deception to expose it? Do the ends justify the means? I’m not saying I know the right answer. Rahab lied and was honored in Hebrews’ Hall of Faith. Law enforcement uses the same tactics to catch criminals and terrorists.
    I absolutely don’t think there’s any sliver of moral equivalency, but I thought this was an aside worth pondering. Thoughts?

  • Michael

    We could also ask: Would you have killed Hitler? I would have. Millions of lives would have been saved. That’s not a perfect parallel, but these videos could change the way America views abortion, and end up saving millions of lives. Now, whether or not God counts it as a lie, I don’t know. But I’m inclined to think Live Action’s deeds are clean in God’s eyes. It’s an interesting discussion.

  • Lauren Bertrand

    Absolutely it isn’t a one-off…and it wouldn’t be regardless of the legality of abortion. Sadly, we will probably here more of this, because at least now there’s an incentive for homegrown investigations, not to mention those led by law enforcement. The question is whether or not it would be more or less common to have places such as this–all of them operating COMPLETELY under the table–if abortion were legalized.

    I’m currently reading Theodore Dreiser’s book “An American Tragedy”, which offers a very thoughtful depiction of the subject of abortion set at a time period (1920s) when it was illegal across the land. Part of the success of this book is that I would suspect that both pro-life and pro-choice sides would find the depiction of this predicament powerful and troubling.

  • Ian Shaw

    Are you under the belief that police officers that do undercover work are called to repent of their sins of lying due to the nature of their specific work for that period of time?

    I suppose you would also argue that Bonhoeffer was wrong to be involved in a plot to kill Hitler, true? Poor example, (I agree)

    There was nothing wrong with their methods. To put attention to their methods over the evidence they found, is insanse. Expose the lies, no matter how they’re disguised.

  • Paul Reed

    ummm, I think the issue is that babies are being killed — not that they’re not being killed in a clean fashion. I mean, right? Abortion-advocates are completely correct in saying that abortions like the ones at Gosnell are a very small percentage of actual abortions. Most killing is done early-term and “cleanly”, often via chemical means. It’s very easy to be pro-abortion and against what happens at a Gosnell clinic. The pro-life community has sent a horrible message, whether it knows it or not: That the killing at Gosnell are worse than the killing when say a woman aborts via Plan B.

  • Paul Reed

    I think the issue is that babies are being killed — not that they’re not being killed in a clean fashion. I mean, right? Abortion-advocates are completely correct in saying that abortions like the ones at Gosnell are a very small percentage of actual abortions. Most killing is done early-term and “cleanly”, often via chemical means. It’s very easy to be pro-abortion and against what happens at a Gosnell clinic.

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