Bush may be master of the malapropism, but Hillary Clinton is the master of the monotone. Which is worse? You be the judge. The following videos confirm that Hillary can’t sing, and Bush can’t talk. [HT’s: Drudge Report, The Late Show]
Bush may be master of the malapropism, but Hillary Clinton is the master of the monotone. Which is worse? You be the judge. The following videos confirm that Hillary can’t sing, and Bush can’t talk. [HT’s: Drudge Report, The Late Show]
Alex Chediak
Very funny!
Kris Weinschenker
Besides sending a chill down my spine, Hillary’s comment today that seh wants to meet people in their “church basements” called to mind a scence from the novel “Not This August”.
Matt Brown
Yes, but we don’t need our presidents – or presidential candidates – to have nice singing voices. However, we do need them to communicate effectively, something that our current president is unable to do sometimes.
yeah I can’t sing either. I wonder what her “Howard Dean” moment would be? I personally don’t want a Clinton or a Bush in the White House anymore.