Here are two videos of Young, Restless, and Reformed leaders showing us what they like to do with their free time. The T4G guys try to get their Larry Bird on, and Doug Wilson and crew their Freebird. I’m impressed by both of these but also encouraged that there are no plans for anyone to quit their day jobs.
The basketball video above has John Piper, Mark Dever, Kevin DeYoung, Matt Chandler, Lig Duncan, C.J. Mahaney, Thabiti Anaybwile, and Albert Mohler (Did I miss anyone?).
John Watson
Is Dr. Mohler on the injured reserve or is he just keeping stats?
Josh Manley
The video of Doug Wilson playing Freebird is classic. That’s a great find!
Donald Johnson
Is Young, Restless and Reformed the new Young, Gifted and Black?
Why does the use of 3 terms seem to help make it memorable?
Jared Moore
These videos are awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Sweet. Lynyrd Skynyrd, love ’em. I love “Simple Man” the most. But I have all their songs. Doug blew me away. Would have never thought. How about this guy.
Brent Hobbs
great videos!
Mark Singleton
Dr. Burk, if you asked me what heaven was going to be like, I would describe this situation. Mohler, Piper,Chandler and everyone above playing basketball in the YUM arena with the UL logo in the background.
So proud!
Mark Singleton
Not seriously though…