

Many of you are watching the Presidential election very closely and will appreciate the heads-up that I am about to give to you. There is a website that compiles all the latest polling data on the race for president (and other races as well). It’s a one-stop shop for all the hard stats that you will need. It’s called RealClearPolitics.com, and it is fast becoming the gold standard for political junkies. I’ve been using it since 2004, and I think it’s very helpful. This is just an FYI for those of you who may not be aware of this site already.

Here’s the link for polling on the presidential race. One item of note: Even after the Democrat National Convention last week and Obama’s very effective acceptance speech, the race remains a statistical dead-heat as of September 1. See below.

Monday, September 01








Obama 49, McCain 48

Obama +1



Rasmussen Tracking

Obama 49, McCain 46

Obama +3




Obama 46, McCain 44, Nader 4, Barr 2

Obama +2




  • Darius

    Hey Paul, your favorite guy, Tony Perkins, preached at my church this past Sunday. You actually probably would have liked what he had to say, he didn’t get into politics at all but just talked about spreading the gospel. He’s a solid guy.

  • William

    I agree with Faimon… I am curious. Denny… what do you think about the Palin selection? Do you approve of her? Do you think that a woman can make a good vp or president?

    I would like to see how your complimentarianism affects your position on this. I am complimentarian in many ways… so I am not looking to shoot your answer down 😉


  • Nathan

    I agree William… I am shocked this forum has not had more to say about Palin, especially in light of her being the first woman on a Republican ticket and the family struggles that McCain obviously knew about, yet still picked her.

  • John

    I’m guessing it’s gonna be along the lines of what Mohler said. Since he feels he has to have 100% support for McCain and 100% opposition to Obama, he will support it and be behind it 100%. However, if the election were between two pro-life tickets, one with 2 males and one with 1 male and 1 female, he would pick the one with two males and use complementarian arguments.

    When it suits you, say a woman can be in leadership. When it doesn’t, then don’t.

    Inconsistency anyone?

  • Nathan


    I didn’t realize you read minds. If you listened to Mohler in the last two days he specifically stated that he would vote for Margaret Thatcher in a heartbeat, so your argumentation is somewhat flawed.

    And he also specifically stated that Complementarinian arguments do not apply to anything outside the church and the home.

    So, where is the inconsistency, other than your apparent disdain?

  • Nathan

    “Just to defend, John’s disdain is not inconsistent.”

    I agree with you about John. However he was referring to Mohler being inconsistent.

    John’s disdain is very consistent.

  • Paul

    Darius in #3,

    well, I am sure that away from the political discussions that Tony Perkins is a great guy who loves God and has a passion for spreading the gospel.

    Glad to hear that he preached a good sermon.

  • Truth Unites.. and Divides

    To modify a line from a great movie, I am John’s raging bile duct.

    Darius, I have to say your little comment made me laugh heartily.

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