Jim Hamilton preached a fantastic sermon last Sunday on Jeremiah 25:15-38 at Kenwood Baptist Church. At the end of the message, he gave an illustration that I thought really connected the text to life. It’s only about five minutes long. In the audio below, it begins at 37:09.
[audio:http://kenwoodbaptistchurch.com/podcast/media/2012-06-24_jim_hamilton_jer_25_1538_6_24_12.mp3]Christianity.com published the illustration today, and here’s an excerpt.
There I was in my dream, holding those coins in my hand. They had become priceless to me because of what they signified, and I was horrified that I had almost thrown them away on a cola that wouldn’t have been good for me anyway.
This is how our ignorant, wayward, and weak hearts find their way to sin. We forget the gifts our God and Father has given us. We become unmindful of what his mercy means to us. We neglect the mementos, the testimonies, the stories and songs of the Scriptures.
And all too often we are prepared to cash in our relationship with the living God for filth, filth that would ruin our lives and destroy everything precious and sacred to us. We are ignorant, wayward, and weak enough to throw away the world to come in exchange for a syrupy mixture of caffeine, sugar, and fizzy water, or worse, far worse: shameful things not to be named. God help us get hearts of wisdom.
Read the rest here.
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