
Ed Young’s Recent Sermon on Reformed Theology

Earlier this evening, I saw that Justin Taylor tweeted a link to Ed Young Junior’s sermon from this past Sunday. It’s titled “Cool-aid: Homeboy.” At the 27:29 mark, he begins about a 12 minute attack on reformed churches. You can download it here, listen below, or watch at the bottom of this page.


Among other things, Young accuses reformed believers of being non-evangelistic. Or to put it in Young’s words, “They pimp God not to reach people who are dying and going to hell.” He also charges reformed Christians with preaching the social gospel, with being more concerned with digging wells in South Africa than with sharing the gospel anywhere.

This sermon is bound to generate lots of discussion. While it is true that there is much to critique about reformed Christianity, this doesn’t strike me as the way to do it. It deals not at all with biblical doctrine but resorts to false accusations and caricatures that assume the very worst of reformed Christians. Justin Taylor probably said it best, calling it “a sad mixture of prideful boasting and sinful slander against fellow pastors and brothers.”

I think the charges deserve to be answered, and I’m sure such responses will be forthcoming from many different places. In the meantime, it will be good for everyone to remember not to respond in kind. The most important thing is not to be vindicated but to remember Jesus who, “while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously” (1 Pet. 2:23). Pastors, with this spirit, be ready to “hold fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching” and “to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9).


  • Erik Reed


    The rant, which was aimed at Calvinist, appeared to be a mixture of Calvinist, Methodist, and many other traditions. In other words, he didn’t seem to really know who he was aiming his attack against. He definition of reformed people not holding to ecclesiology was laughable, because the whole seeker-sensitive movement leans toward pragmatism over biblical governance. I say this with all sincerity, but he appeared very ignorant of theology and what Reformed theology believes.

    Which leads me to why I think he did it. I believe, especially based on his comments, that he sees the rise of Reformed churches, believers, websites, books, etc. and he sees whose podcasts are most downloaded and he sees the glory days of the 90’s and early 2000’s slipping away. The seeker-sensitive movement, in which he was a king, is no longer on the uptick. I believe that is the catalyst behind the ignorant statements. I do not believe he is interested in theological dialogue because I do not believe he can have one.

    The question I believe is worth asking and considering is this: is this only the beginning of what will be a bunch of pastors, formally influential, coming against (publicly) Calvinism? I hope the answer is no, because it is not healthy for Christianity, but if this is Ed’s motive (and I believe it is), then are others to follow? I believe we will see this happen more.

    Thanks for your post Denny.

  • Adam Harwood

    Ed Young, Jr. is free to air his criticisms but I wouldn’t want his comments to be confused with the affirmations and denials in the recent Traditional Statement. The Statement is an attempt to address particular theological issues. I don’t agree with his characterization, for example, of Calvinists as non-evangelistic. It is an unfair claim and I regard it as untrue. In other words, Pastor Young doesn’t speak for me. Blessings, brothers.

    • Denny Burk

      Adam, I appreciate that. For what it’s worth, I never would have confused your critique with Young’s. They are not in the same category in my view. Great to meet and visit with you in New Orleans. Blessings!

  • Jonathan Howe

    Typically when someone “goes off the reservation” of conventional thought, there are a few like-minded pastors who step up and either clarify or concur. I see none of that happening here. I doubt we ever will. Check his twitter mentions. The last time I checked, I couldn’t find one single supportive message.

    It looks like none of his friends are riding in to rescue him. How another pastor could support these words or even try to clarify them is beyond my comprehension.

    It was rambling, inaccurate, and pandering to those who really know no better. I also agree with Erik in that he sees his influence waning and is resorting to drastic efforts. He’s no longer the big shot in the DFW area, and it seems to be really bothering him.

    Sad to see this.

    • krissy burke

      Jonathan- Amen! My husband and I were member of Fellowship Church for 4 years. I was an usher and let me tell you…you don’t even know the half of it. Besides being pounded about paying tithe; Ed Young’s theology is not sound. The things that I’ve heard that man say was against the bible. The congregation once got blasted for tithing their time. He said and I quote “what’s this tithing of your time crap?!” I would love to send you a few video’s of his sermons. He actually gave a sermon in which he stated (and I quote) “I know F.C. is a church that is going to heaven because we are church that pays their tithe.” You cannot buy your way into heaven. PERIOD. He also gave a speech about how HE is the MVP of the church and people come to see him. (what about that other guy, you know the IMPORTANT one, named JESUS?) God really started to open our eyes. Most of our home group left the church, we just couldn’t believe what he was saying.

      The final straw came for us when we received a card asking that we make F.C a benificiary of our wills.

  • Allen Davidson

    It is sad to see this sort of thing occurring. I don’t find myself in the Ed Young camp but feel that as those on the outside we cannot assign motive to him. The fact is that we don’t know what brought this on. Maybe he is seeing his influence slip and is lashing out and maybe not. The appropriate and loving response is to disagree with him and refuse the temptation to assign motive. If we ascribe motives then we do exactly what Ed Young did in painting inaccurate caricatures of people and set ourselves in judgment of those false portrayals.

    The difficult, yet Christ-like response, then seems to be respectfully disagree with him, give a well-reasoned answer to his comments, and love him as a brother in Christ even if he never apologizes.

      • Howard Davis

        I hardly know who Ed Young Jr is, nor am I all that worked up that he would attacked Reformed folks. He is right that far too many Reformed folks have spiteful tongues that slam everyone we disagree with. But having said that, this guy seems all about self-congratulating himself, even stopping the sermon to encourage self-praise…

        Some of his statements are over-the-top: “We can wipe away these (Reformed) churches.”

        Others of his statements are laughable: “Reformed theology can lead to a deformed ecclesiology.” As if Fellowship Church is the pinnacle of healthy ecclesiology?

        But he is right that much of the Reformed Church don’t have a burning passion for reaching the lost, perhaps because we are more excited about talking the glory of God than really being gripped by its reality. Let’s not get caught into the fight, but let us grow in our faithfulness to reach the lost.

  • LaNeisa Jackson

    Ed Young, Jr. has been out of order for quite a while. I live in Dallas and hear about his “methods’ and am amazed that he could be taken seriously. It is past time that his ministry is critically called out for the farce it is. Christian pastors have been unloving by not telling him the truth.
    Thank you for this post. Hopefully, this is the exposure that will begin to motivate Christian leadership to put these nonsense ministries to death. He is not the only one, obviously, who has been allowed to grow by our silence.

  • David Thomas

    As you know, Denny, I am a Pentecostal and, on the balance, Arminian. That said, I disagree with Ed Young’s remarks about Calvinists not being evangelistic.

    The paradox here, that I have heard other thoughtful Arminians note, is that while it may “stand to reason” that a belief in predestination would lead one into a passive posture when it comes to evangelism, the reality is that it simply isn’t so. It is true that, in the course of church history, some Calvinist movements (typically the minority) have intentionally resisted the missionary call for theological reasons. But I have observed that the majority of Calvinists are actually quite fervent in their evangelistic zeal.

    There is a reason why there has been good fellowship and fruitful cooperation between the Assemblies of God and the SBC foreign missions efforts, and it isn’t because we see eye to eye on every detail in the Calvinism/Arminianism debate.

    Young misses the mark here, or rather, is aiming at the wrong target. The enemy of evangelism in the church is a creeping secularism and a postmodern mindset that resists the very idea of sin and conversion from it. And that’s something we’d better take on together.

  • Brian Lenney

    WOW! This guys is all mixed up. I’ve never heard someone critique “Calvinism” this way, (i.e. social gospel, non-missonal, etc.), it’s actually quite comical if it wasn’t so sad. This guy said Calvinists put God in a box, sounds like he’s the one in a box of small-minded ignorance, and I mean it very literally. He just throws out a grab bag of accusations, almost all of which don’t reflect reformed churches at all! The way he speaks is so arrogant and boastful too, as if he has something to prove. God help us when people flock to men who use pulpits as soapboxes. Sad to see this but even more sad to see a huge crowd cheering him on. It’s easy to knock down straw men. The dude doesn’t understand biblical theology one bit.

  • Ricky

    I’m a little confused. Ed Young remarks that reformed churches are not evangelistic and all we are interested in is a social gospel (which is the first time in 24 years of ministry that I have heard that). Young touts his baptism numbers at 2,632 (if I remember correctly…the rant was a little painful to listen to). His church runs 24,000 according to Hartford Institute for Religion Research. That gives him a baptism rate of a little over 10%. The church I pastor has 105 members. We baptized 15 people last year. That gives us a baptism percentage of 14%. I’m glad that I’m not as evangelistic as he is.

    • Thom Cole

      Well said, Ricky. I noticed this part of his rant also. Young provided no context to back his claims up with. He talked about this Calvinistic Preacher who “only” baptized 26 people (maybe it was 24 but I’m not going to listen to this again to clarify that number), but he failed to mention how large the church was where this Pastor ministered. I find that a bit alarming as it is easy to skew the numbers if this other pastor was Pastoring a church plant that only started with 10-20 members and had 20+ baptisms in the last year. That would make Young’s numbers pail in percentage comparison.

  • Bruce Harp

    Most of the SBC churches I have been in have always had a problem getting its membership out on visitation night. Non-Calvinist have the same problem Ed Young Jr is saying about Calvinist. Counting the baptisms is the same old SBC story. We never count the ones who do not remain and we never follow up with those who were baptized and went to another church. That would be part of the work we would do. We assimilate and call that discipleship. We should never condemn Calvinism for not being evangelistic if even part of our own church claims to believe that we need to be evangelistic and never tells a soul. To me, that is a double standard.

  • Mike Lynch

    I hope this doesn’t sound like “responding in kind” but it’s reeeally hard to take this guy seriously. He’s a bit of a joke. I’m kind of surprised he’s getting this attention.

  • Reggie Weems

    Ed Young spoke against “the casualization” of God? Ironic. At least he dressed up and didn’t do it in his pj’s from a bed on the roof of his church.

  • James Brabson


    While his rant is way off and quite honestly a joke, don’t you think his unintentional hyperbole of the reformed theology is highly similar to the hyperbole that is used by the young restless group towards those that are not reformed? I think the attention that Greg Dutcher’s new book on “Killing Calvinism from the Inside” even speaks to the knee jerk reactions by Calvinists/Reformed guys to those that would be different than them. To me, this video is a lesson for all in over exaggerated caricatures of the tension between soteriology and practice.

    • Brian Ritchie

      I totally agree with this. As someone who is not reformed I find it interesting that those who are reformed and write blogs like this one so easily make the exact same type of comments in reverse and that is OK.

      ” Justin Taylor probably said it best, calling it “a sad mixture of prideful boasting and sinful slander against fellow pastors and brothers.””

      How is this any different than when everyone went after Andy Stanley a while ago. I read what they had to say, and then listened to Andy’s message. Andy was not at all saying what he was being accused of saying.

      We all need to check our own eyes before “Helping” others with theirs more than we do.

      • Joe Ivory, RE

        I’m sorry, but Young’s ridicule and mocking derision of Reformed theology far outweighs the comment you quoted. He actually made the statement that since some Reformed pastor only baptized 26 people over the past year and his ‘church’ baptized over 2600, that the other guy was a complete joke. Don’t try to tell me he didn’t, I’ve watched the video. That is the most disgusting mockery of another Christian minister’s work by a ‘man of God’ I have seen in my 9 years of being an elder. Young would be defrocked in our church for such behavior. But in FC, he gets a standing ovation. Well, doesn’t that speak volumes? You know, I would like to know if Young rememebers just 10 of the people baptized in his church over the past year? Does he visit them? Does he know what their struggles are? Does he shepherd the thousands of people who attend his ‘church’. Because in our tiny, insignificant Reformed Church, we not only baptize new converts, we disciple them, visit them in their homes, and actually make them part of our family.

        Sorry Brian, you are comparing apples and oranges. I don’t accept the analogy. True, many new Calivinists can be obnoxious, which is why I tell them to be quiet, pray and read insead of running around challenging everyone to debate. But synergists can be just as bad or worse. Young’s comments went above and beyond the pale. He accused us of preaching a different gospel, of being phariseical and of not doing evangelism. I’ve preahced at gay pride events, outside the mormon temple in Nauvoo, Ill, and all over the Midwest on the streets and I don’t believe in evangelism? I’m a 5-point Calvinist! I believe God is Mighty to Save! We preach justification by grace alone through faith alone by Christ alone. And a guy with a pastor’s fashion webpage mocks us as wearing “skinny jeans” and having “God in a box?” We dress like nerds for crying out loud!

        But then again, I’m just a dumb Presbyterian. I thought Baptists were my brothers in Christ, not my enemies.

  • Ferg Breen

    I don’t lean towards reformed theology and I used to comment here quite a bit until I realised how unedifying (for me) it was to argue over issues that people have already made their minds up on! I don’t think I ever saw a calvinist/arminian say “You know what, you’re right…” I’m very aware that I don’t have perfect theology, only Jesus has that so I’m willing to learn from what other have to say – that’s why I check here often.
    I do just want to say and I’m sure you all know it, but his attacks on ‘calvinists’ (if that’s what it was – he was utterly confused) are completely unfounded. I appreciate Calvinists as my brothers and applaud specifically their desire to see the gospel preached, and preached well.

    • Mark Borofsky

      Ferg, congratulations you have now met someone who says you know what, you’re right. Through study, searching the scriptures and much prayer, I have embraced election. I was wrong and now am satisfied that I have grasped what God intended. With that said, I thoroughly enjoy sharing Jesus Christ with anyone who I encounter.

  • Mike Beck

    The fact that he even addresses and mentions Calvinism and Reformed theology by name tells you how much it is gaining ground in his area. In the almost 8 years I went to Fellowship he never once mentioned anything close to this, as it would cause many people to start Googling such “dangerous” theology to learn more. This in turn brings more questions and makes the back door swing open wider, which the truth always does.

    His may be the very first time he’s ever mentioned the word “election” in his church!

  • Scott Packett

    Unfortunately, this “rant” is an example (on a large scale) of what takes place in many of the SBC churches in Southeast TN. I am the pastor of a small SBC church here, and many of the members are asking me “why haven’t we heard this before?” What are they hearing for the first time? The gospel presented through the exposition of Scripture. What were they hearing before? According to them, rants like this one and/or a gospel much like that found in Galatians 1 – Jesus + circumcision + total obedience = justification. So to say that we should not take this guy seriously is to say that we shouldn’t be concerned for the thousands who are being led by false teachers in the name in Christ across our denomination. Those of us who are concerned (whether Calvinist or not) should join together in desperate prayer for the people sitting (or cheering) in these churches, asking God to give them discernment so not be led astray by another Gospel than that found in Scripture. We should also make sure that we are not using our pulpits for soapboxes and personal agendas, but as platforms by which we faithfully expose our people to the deep truths of God’s Word, and equip them for the work of ministry in their daily lives.

    On a lighter note, I would love to see Ed Young and Matt Chandler dialogue on this topic, since they are both pastors of prominent churches in the DFW area, and both have very charismatic personalities. Don’t see it happening, but it would be interesting to watch.

  • Ben Thorp

    I’m not particularly aware of Ed Young (being from the UK), but I have been an avid follower of the Reformed movement, and I can’t say that I am able to name a single “leading light” of the movement who would even vaguely represent his (mis-)characterisation – Piper, Driscoll, Chandler, Keller, (etc) are all openly evangelistic, and equally vociferous against the kind of “lazy” Christianity he pillories.

    I’m saddened by the whole thing, but mostly I’m surprised that someone so high profile would allow something so factually and blatantly inaccurate to be released. I hope that he, in truth to his own message, posts an open apology.

  • Ken Turnbull

    Hmmm … I became Reformed out of a Fundamentalist Dispensational background, and have been reforming ever since … came into church planting mission work in Mozambique … am helping the national church to initiate a Gospel-focused, Christian university and seminary in Zambia … (sigh) uh-oh, I was even evangelizing in a hospital this past weekend … Where has my Calvinism gone wrong, Mr. Young? Could it be my membership in an SBC church that is part of the Founder’s Ministry? …

  • Timothy Durey

    Wow, that is upsetting. I understand that many in the Reformed theological camp do abuse it, but so do those from an arminian camp. Just read about that from a Wesleyan interview on the Gospel Coalition’s website. Don’t attack those on the periphery of an issue.

    I also think that this only divides Christians. And, doesn’t a Calvinist believe in free, willing voluntary choices (to use Grudem’s phrase) and election? Then, I just wonder this, “If someone wrote something to him in the manner in which he spoke from a Reformed perspective, would he say that they’re mean-spirited? Yet, he feels as though he is right in speaking that way. . . . And, he can speak that way. He has that right. But, is it always wrong to confront?

    These are just (rhetorical) questions and thoughts. Obviously, no need to respond. We just need to pray and hope that God breeds unity through even this.

  • Charlie Wallace

    I attended Fellowship Church in 2003 when I was a student at Southwestern. At the time it was the cool, hip place to attend because it had incredible atmosphere and great music. However, the preaching was very typical of “here’s a a bible verse now i”ll ramble for 40 minutes.”

    I to think that the reason behind this is that many of the young people in DFW are now attending Village Church and they are getting everything you can get at Fellowship…only now they are getting hardcore bible teaching.

    Sadly, I too believe that Ed realizes that he’s not the big thing in town anymore so he is attacking Village Church and the like.

    The bottom line is that for every “Reformed” church that isn’t baptizing people, you can find an non-reformed church that isn’t baptizing people either. Plus…has he ever heard of Mars Hill? Sheesh.

  • Brandon Dyer

    My temptation, along with any other Reformed individual, is to completely write off what Young is saying here. He is certainly confused on some things, and makes his ignorance apparent on those things.

    However, some of the things he said are very true of the situation I find myself in. I’m not a pastor, but my church has gained MOST of its membership from other churches. I believe the Lord graciously saved 1 individual in the past two years—to which we are exceedingly grateful! The question, however, must be posed, “When was the last time we led someone to Christ?” When was the last time that the celebrity pastors did? When was the last time I did (I certainly try!)? It is an honest question, though.

    We say that we, as Calvinists, do evangelize. I hope that the attempt to evangelize is always bounding in us. That said, I think we do have to reckon with the criticism from Young concerning the growth of our church from ‘sheep-stealing’ compared to the growth we get from evangelism.

    Such a tricky thing to say tactfully, but I hope my heart in this is felt. I’m not demeaning anyone. All we can do is plant and water and leave the growth to our great God.

    • Michael Beck

      Yes, all Calvinists churches should preach the gospel more boldly. But is it sheep stealing when someone wants to be served meat instead of milk, and finds a church to that does so? I know from personal experience that Calvinist pastors are not combing the parking lot of Fellowship church after the services. I believe the Spirit leads them to greener pastures once they are saved there. That is my testimony anyway. Also, realize many of the “converts” at Ed’s church are far from converted.

  • James Harold Thomas

    I’m glad to see the comments from non-reformed who agree that Young’s rant is unhelpful and wish to distance themselves from it.

    One problem with the “traditional” statement statement is it’s unbalanced critique of hyper-calvinism with no mention at all of the dangers of hyper-arminianism. I think it would be very good for moving the conversation forward if some of the big-name signers would acknowledge that hyper-anti-calvinism exists in the sbc.

  • Tim Campbell

    This coming from a guy whose main theological contribution is putting a bed on his church’s roof and pimping his own congregation to have sex for whatever days. Please, he is a clown and should not be given serious attention.

  • Wayne Roberts

    This had me confused. I could only figure he was lashing out at maybe Acts 29 guys. But then I read Charlie Wallace’s comment and it made more sense. Matt Chandler recently became the head of the Acts 29 Network, and The Village Church is in the midst of opening their fourth campus in the DFW area. Not to mention that Matt is SBC too. However as others have said it was indeed painful to watch.

  • Doug Nichols

    I just listen to this rant. I am reformed, an evangelistic missionary and felt ashamed in that a brother was giving a talk (not a sermon from the Word) and was completely mistaken in his disciption of my reformed brothers (one of our churches in Manila has grown from 30 to 10,000). However, my biggest question is, “who is Ed Young.” I am sorry but I have never heard of him! Doug Nichols (nobody has heard of me either, but wonderful to be known of Christ and to serve Him).

  • John H. Harbison

    This reminds me of many conversations I have had with people who are violently against Calvinism and Reformed Theology – they build a caricature of both of these and then tear down the caricature they have made. It is obvious that Mr. Young is simply unaware of the many Reformed churches which are impacting the world (like Redeemer in New York which has planted over 50 churches). It’s sad to see someone with this kind of platform demonstrate such a lack of understanding and do it in such a mean-spirited way.

  • dr. james willingham

    Thank you Denny for the link to Ed Young’s sermon. I listened to it, and it was a grief to hear, especially his rant against calvinist, reformed ministers. He has conveniently forgotten that it was five point calvinists who started the great missionary movement such as Jonathan Edwards in his call for united prayer for the Gospel’s spread among the nations, his Humble Attempt which inspired William Carey and a host of others, including the father of southern Baptist Missions, Luther Rice. I think Ed has spelled out for himself his own future. Since the does not realize how discouraging and hurtful his words will be to so many Sovereign Grace believers, he will find that his truth will come home tp\o haunt him. His truth was this: “Some people don’t respond to biblical truth until there is personal pain.” While I doubt not that there are some folks like he described, calvinists and reformed who do not address or care for the lost (after all there was one bad Apostle and there are false preachers). THE GOD-CALLED SERVANTS LABOR UNDER GREAT HANDICAPS TO WIN SOULS WITH THE TRUTH. To discourage such is a great evil. My pastor who ordained me was a self-declared (from the pulpit and person to person) supralapsarian, hypercalvinist. Dr. Ernest R. Campbell was a soul winner, par excellence. In one revival in Georgia in a rural church, he won 100 souls. He served as associate pastor to Dr. R.G.Lee and pastor a number of notable churches. While serving the FBC of Hialeah, Fla., he led in founding and serving as the first President of the American Race Track Chaplaincy (cf. Who’s Who in Religion.2nd edn.Chcago: Marquis, 1977). He pleaded with one of my relatives to look to Christ for salvation until tears ran down my relative’s face. What a tragedy in the making!

  • Mark Reimer

    “I don’t understand it.” – Ed Young

    Pretty much sums it up. I have no idea why Reformed people would think that they owe this guy a response. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this guy and, quite frankly, he comes off as a spoof. Being that excited about not knowing stuff and being that proud of how many baptisms your church did is terrifying. Honestly, with guys like this in the SBC I think a convention split is not very far away. As an SBCer myself, it makes me somewhat apprehensive to be associated with such a character.

  • Ron Dodson

    This is only slightly more aneurism-inducing than the Jack Graham screed of a few years ago. That entire wing of SBC-dom is deeply influenced by Adrian Rogers. He was a faithful man, but like many of the more anabaptist stripe don’t excel at theology.

  • Mark Borofsky

    This rant is from the same man who spent 30 days on top of the roof of his church, and we are to take him seriously. At which seminary are we teaching pastors to speak hip and to swagger and act cool? Notice he was at least 13 minutes into his speech until he even looked at his bible. Notice the congregation not opening bibles. I am appalled at the so-called preaching that is nothing more than raw-raw talk.

    Ed Young is clueless and knows nothing of election, Calvinism or Reformed Theology. He is merely jumping on the “good-old boys” band wagon to bring attention to himself. Those preachers running around in skinny jeans that are real smart, are in fact much smarter than he is.

  • Jason Kates

    It’s been odd to watch young Ed Young grow up and morph into what he is now. I attend his father’s church, and have for 33+ years, and it stinks to sit under Dr. Young’s solid biblical exposition and then see his eldest son rant on someone with hardly a reference to the Word.

    What makes it even more sad to me is that young Ed Young was instrumental in my life at a young age and when God regenerated my heart. When I told my mother that I realized I was sinful and wanted to trust in Jesus, she sent me to have a chat with young Ed Young (because his wife Lisa was my school teacher at the time) so that she could make sure I wasn’t just doing what mommy and daddy wanted. I still vividly remember the talk and it was straight out of the Bible with no mention of fashion.

    I have to think his father is not to pleased with all of this. Although not one to publicly label himself a Calvinist (I think he wants to avoid ugly theology squabbles), Dr. Young once told me that he believes in predestination “because it’s in the Bible.”

  • Andrew Bunner

    Pastor Young said that whenever people move and go to a new church they should ask, “Who are they reaching?” After hearing this message, I would ask Pastor Young, “Who are you preaching?”

  • Kim

    We left FC at the end of last year. We had been there 18 years but ever since the jet story went public and FC has been struggling financially, Ed has been angry and full of himself and the kingdom of FC. He began telling us on a regular basis what an amazing church we were in and letting us know at some point or another that each ministry we had was the best in the country or world. He began what we call the gospel of the tithe and serve. We began to feel like those two things took priority over Christ. Baptisms became what was worshiped. Every ministry was to up the baptism push in what felt like to us (total Fellowship coolaid drinkers up to this point) as a way to prove we were still the ‘best church in America.’ We sadly prayed for Ed a lot because we didn’t want to leave the church but felt like Ed was leading us astray due to his idol worship of the church. He no longer seemed submitted to God but rather submitted to anything that would save his church. A church we had seen God do great things in but Ed took too much credit for and took no blame for the problems the church was having. He played the ‘blame game’ (from one of his sermons) and that is what we feel like he is doing with his lash out against reformed churches. He is trying to blame them for his problems as well just about ever thing else. I’m glad we left when we did, but I’m sad to see that things have not changed. I wish he would pull it together, for God’s glory

  • John Corbitt

    A pastor that uses crude language, pals around with Joel Osteen, and thinks that the fashion of a pastor is important to preaching the gospel? And why do we think it is important to respond to the uninformed accusations of this man?

    There is something not quite right with this pastor’s spirit. I see more characteristics of the flesh than I do the fruit of the Spirit and would ignore him to avoid giving him a sense of legitimacy.

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