Culture,  Theology/Bible

Porn Ministry Back in the News

A year or so ago I did a series of posts on the so-called “XXX Church,” an online community aimed at evangelizing porn stars and porn addicts. The XXX Church is back in the news this week as their ministry has set up a booth at the world’s largest porn convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.

In an interview for ABC News, the “pastors” of the “XXX Church” talk about the critics of their ministry:

“The adverse reactions came quick and came heavy, and to this day my inbox is filled with people that can’t stand us, that hate us, that wish us to go to hell,” explains Mahon. “Our biggest critics are Christians.”

I won’t re-argue the points that I made in my previous posts on this ministry. You can read them here if you are interested. But I will say that maybe there is something to the fact that the “biggest critics” are Christians. I don’t question the motives of this ministry. These guys seem to be really sincere and earnest about evangelizing the porn industry. But I do have questions about the wisdom of their methods. Perhaps this is a case in which the “XXX Church” can learn from the well-intentioned counsel of its critics.

“For by wise guidance you will wage war,
And in abundance of counselors there is victory”
Proverbs 24:6

Video: ABC News Nightline on the XXXChurch


  • D. Taylor Benton

    I think we all can see different approaches to a variety of ministries. I think Kris hit a very true note in that we are skeptical of these men to a point to where they are being opposed more by their brothers and sisters than they are the lost. Yet there are many “ministers” that are letting dead people continue to be dead in that they are not shedding light on the death and sin that riddles their pews.

    We obviously need to understand this ministry is a unique calling indeed. I know the Lord has made many men that can be around that sort of environment without sin. Yet somehow since I first learned about this ministry several years ago, I think we as a “church” should err on the side of support to these men and err on the side of grace. I recently watched a news broadcast on 2020 or one of those evening magazine shows and briefly heard a few testimonies from people that have been saved out of that industry and they are radically changed. What a testimony of God’s Grace! To hear some of these stories truly encouraged me about the grace of God and it truly is sad the hear Christians condemning Christians. I mean these guys may have a niche and radical ministry but they are standing on the foundation of the Word and are exclusively proclaiming salvation through Christ.

    In closing, it is a definite territory that 99.9 percent of Christians could never and should never go, but I think there should be compassion, maybe disagreement but compassion. I think Denny does a great job in disagreeing and showing scripturally how this can be a pitfall, but not condemning them and virtually making these men worse than Satanists or the wolves in sheep’s clothing that claim to be Christian, yet they preach another gospel.

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