• Culture,  Theology/Bible

    ‘On Faith’ on Gay ‘Marriage’

    The ‘On Faith’ blog (a joint venture of The Washington Post and Newsweek) is hosting a discussion about the religious case for gay “marriage.” The topic is inspired by last week’s Newsweek cover story by Lisa Miller (which I wrote about here). Panelists include those from the religious left and right. Albert Mohler, Leith Anderson, and Charles Colson are among those representing the biblical view. Colson has a good word about Miller’s call for ‘inclusiveness’: ‘Miller admits that the argument for a biblical support of gay marriage is usually not made from any particular passage but from, as scholar Walter Brueggemann puts it, “the general conviction that the Bible is…

  • Politics

    James Kushiner on Single-Issue Voting

    James Kushiner of Touchstone magazine has some apt reflections on the idea of single-issue voting: ‘But the labeling of some voters—all, it seems, on the “right” and usually pro-life—as “single-issue” voters, as if they are narrow-minded and unthinking participants in our national life, seems quite narrow-minded itself. . .

  • Politics

    “Pro-lifers” for Obama

    The editorial in the latest issue of Touchstone magazine is spot on in its appraisal of “pro-lifers” who supported Obama for President: ‘The role of “pro-lifers” in the Obama campaign was not to persuade the candidate to moderate his stand on abortion (there is no evidence that they even tried to do so) but to persuade pro-lifers to forget about the issue.’ The rest of this essay is a must-read. “Morality Ploys: Big Bailouts & Culture War Maneuvers You Can Expect” – by James Hitchcock (Touchstone)

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Newsweek Comes Out for Gay ‘Marriage’

    I would be remiss not to comment on Lisa Miller’s cover story in this week’s Newsweek magazine, “The Religious Case for Gay Marriage.” The title of the article says everything that you need to know about this piece. In essence, Miller argues that a right understanding of the Christian tradition would actually favor gay “marriage” rather than oppose it. She appeals to the Bible and to history to make her point. This piece is disappointing on a number of levels, and the subsequent critiques have been sharp and justified (e.g., Albert Mohler, Christianity Today, Mollie Hemingway). For the most thorough response, see Robert Gagnon’s 23-page essay (HT: Justin Taylor). I…

  • Sports

    How ‘Bout Them Dawgs?!

    The College post-season has been set, and the two teams that I pull for are both playing in bowl games. The Louisiana Tech Bulldogs (my alma mater) will be squaring-off against Northern Illinois in the Independence Bowl. And the LSU Tigers will be meeting Georgia Tech in the Chick-fil-A Bowl. The Bulldogs were able to sneak into this bowl because the SEC and the Big 12 didn’t have enough bowl-eligible teams to fill the slots. But that’s okay. The Bulldogs haven’t been in a bowl since 2002, and all of us Bulldog fans are grateful for whatever we can get. I think we have a good chance of winning this…

  • Christianity,  Music

    Sojourn Advent Songs

    My good friend Rob Plummer recommended to me a Christmas album that is available as a free download, and I want to pass along the holiday cheer to you. The album was produced by Sojourn Community Church here in Louisville, Kentucky and is available at NoiseTrade.com. You can listen to samples of the album on the widget below.

  • Christianity,  Music

    Boyce College Student Nominated for Grammy

    The Protestant Reformation has come to the Grammys! On Saturday, one of our students here at Boyce College was nominated for a Grammy award. His stage name is “Flame,” and I wrote about him here in October. He’s a hip-hop artist with a gospel message—one that is rooted deeply in the reformation tradition. According to the Grammy website, Flame’s “Our World Redeemed” has been nominated for “Best Rock Or Rap Gospel Album.” CMSpin.com has the details of the story, and the Associated Press reports that the Grammy Awards will be broadcast on February 8 on CBS. You can be sure that we’ll be pulling for Flame. Here’s a link to…

  • Christianity,  Politics

    Did Pro-lifers Kill the GOP in 2008?

    In yesterday’s New York Times, Ross Douthat takes on the conventional wisdom among pro-choice Republicans who blame the pro-life movement for losing the presidency in 2008 (HT: Russell Moore). Douthat notes how pro-choice GOP’ers such as Christie Todd Whitman and P. J. O’Rourke have charged uncompromising pro-lifers with alienating the American mainstream in 2008.

  • Sports,  Theology/Bible

    How the BCS Should Shake-out

    After the Sooners finish shellacking Mizzou tonight, I think it’s pretty clear which two teams should be appearing in the BCS championship game: Florida and Oklahoma. I hate it for Texas, but it is what it is. The BCS is already the biggest sham in sports. And if Florida and Oklahoma are not the final two in the BCS formula, then I think the BCS will not survive. How could it? On a related but unrelated note: During the SEC championship game, the camera showed Joey and Christy Allen cheering on the Gators. Christy is Tim Tebow’s sister, and she and Joey are now missionaries in an undisclosed overseas location.…

  • Humor

    Ultimate 80’s Medley

    I have noted the important work of Johnny and Chachi on this blog before. Perhaps you remember “Get In Here Ministries,” “Teamwork,” and the “Don’t Song.” Now Johnny and Chachi have a live version of their ultimate 80’s Medley, and you can watch it on the video above.