Christianity,  Music

Sojourn Advent Songs

My good friend Rob Plummer recommended to me a Christmas album that is available as a free download, and I want to pass along the holiday cheer to you. The album was produced by Sojourn Community Church here in Louisville, Kentucky and is available at You can listen to samples of the album on the widget below.

Here’s a description of the album from Sojourn’s website:

“The emphasis here is on the already/ not-yet tension of Advent, the season of waiting and anticipation before Christmas. Advent comes to us in the darkest season of the year — a season when the nights are long, the days are cold, and we look with anticipation for the return of the warmth in the spring. The songs have both a dark sense of anticipation and glimpses of light dawning in the face of the Christ child.

“As we celebrate this season, we celebrate that our Messiah has come, and we look with longing to the day when he comes again. As St. John says, ‘Amen! Come Lord Jesus.'”


  • Paul


    That version of Glory Be is totally happening, and I like what they did on Joy To The World.

    Sure, you can download this for free, but if you don’t pay something for this, you’re a total tool.

  • j razz

    I have really enjoyed Jamie Barnes’ rendition of Joy to the World. He has an album called The Recalibrated Heart… definitely worth picking up- it is not available on Noisetrade, but if you liked “Joy to the World” you will like the album.

    I wish that would be picked up by mainstream media. It is a great concept that has merit for both the fan and the musician.

    Have a good night Denny.

    j razz

  • Ryan McBride

    If you like Sojourn’s music check out their past albums. Easily in my opinion the best Christian music going. Before the Throne is one of my favorite CD’s covering all genres.

  • Paul

    J Razz,

    “I wish that would be picked up by mainstream media. It is a great concept that has merit for both the fan and the musician.”

    not if mainstream media picks it up. Right now, a scenario like that allows you to either pay an artist for their work, or potentially build an artist’s fan base.

    But, if all of the sudden, Casting Crowns or the Newsboys, or, worst case scenario, Nickleback can now utilize that service, then little bands that benefit the most from services like Noisetrade will no longer benefit at all.

  • j razz


    I didn’t say popular bands, but mainstream media. I wish the word was out about this site in such a way as yahoo and google are known. That is what I was saying.

    However, I think I might disagree with your premise that Noisetrade would be no longer a benefit to all if big named bands were introduced into the fold. I think the model Noisetrade has set up would allow for such and evolve to adapt for such additions. Take as a model. They let you listen to the artist you select but also put in bands that fit a similar genre. I have found bands I would have never looked for by the recommendations and additions of lastfm. If they can do it, I am sure Noisetrade can as well. It may look completely different, but they will manage 🙂

    j razz

  • Paul Butterworth

    Thanks for the press, Denny. As a member of Sojourn, we would definitely appreciate any cash you could throw our way, but most of all, we desire that these songs lead you enter into the already/not-yet tension of Christ’s advent and promised return.

    J razz, Jamie Barnes is phenomenal, both as a brother and as a musician. Stay tuned for his next album. Brooks Ritter, who also sings on this album, just released a stunning CD as well and you can check him out here:

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