• Christianity,  Politics

    Gulf Oil Spill and the Evangelical Conscience

    Be sure to read Russell Moore’s latest on the Gulf oil spill, “Ecological Catastrophe and the Uneasy Evangelical Conscience.” Here’s an excerpt: “I’ve left my hometown lots of times. But never like this. Sure, I’ve teared up as I’ve left family and friends for a while, knowing I’d see them again the next time around. And, yes, I cried every day for almost a year in the aftermath of a hurricane that almost wiped my hometown off the map. But I’ve never left like this, wondering if I’ll ever see it again, if my children’s children will ever know what Biloxi was.”

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Was Shakespeare Christian?

    Anthony Esolen makes the case in First Things that Shakespeare was a profoundly Christian playwrite. He writes: “There is an abundance of evidence to show that Shakespeare was a profoundly Christian playwright—and far more thoroughly concerned with the theology of grace, repentance, and redemption than any of his contemporaries. Here I should like to note one characteristic of his view of the world that seems to spring from his Christian faith—for it certainly does not spring from any recrudescence of paganism in the Renaissance, nor from the worldly laxity that sets in with the fading of western man’s assurance of Christian dogma and morals. For Shakespeare, chastity is as near…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Lady Gaga and Spirituality

    David Mills has a few things to say about Lady Gaga and spirituality at First Things. In particular, he deconstructs the trend toward “spirituality” as an alternative to “religion.” He writes, ‘It’s a great and self-serving mess, this claim to be “spiritual but not religious,” which we hear from almost anyone who talks about religion in public… So we find Lady Gaga, the pornographic songstress, telling a reporter for The Times that she has a new spirituality just before taking her out for a night at a Berlin sex club. Asked by the reporter, “You were raised a Catholic — so when you say ‘God,’ do you mean the Catholic…

  • Culture

    England’s exhausted, bleeding sons

    This week marks the 70th anniversary of the great rescue at Dunkirk. On May 27, 1940, the British army had fallen back to the beaches of Dunkirk in the north of France. In front of them was the German army, and behind them was the sea. These British soldiers and their French allies were the last line of defense between England and Hitler, and they were about to be crushed. There were over 300,000 of them trapped on the beach. What happened next is the stuff of legend. Some say it was nothing short of a miracle. In his biography of Winston Churchill, William Manchester narrates it best: ‘The French…

  • News,  Personal

    Pray for the leak to end soon

    Louisiana is my home state, and we have all been watching this oil leak with great disgust and sadness. Pray for the leak to be fixed soon and for clean-up efforts to minimize the environmental impact as much as possible. A whole way of life is threatened right now, and we need this to end.

  • Christianity

    Marcus “Flame” Gray

    He’s a grammy nominated hip-hop artist, and he’s also a 2010 graduate of Boyce College. Watch above to see Marcus “Flame” Gray share about his experience as a student at Boyce College. It will be worth your time. If you or someone you know wants a Christian undergraduate education that has an intense focus on the Bible and theology, there is no better place than Boyce College. Learn more about us here.

  • Theology/Bible

    JBMW Online

    We have introduced a significant change with the release of the latest issue of JBMW. We have moved to an exclusively online format. That means all of our articles will be immediately available for download for anyone who wants to read them. We will still produce two fascicles per year, and the first one for 2010 has just appeared at the CBMW website. Starting with this issue, readers have the option to download the entire journal in one PDF document. Readers can also view individual articles in HTML or download individual articles in PDF. Current subscribers to the print version will be receiving a letter next week explaining the changes.…

  • Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Does the Dalai Lama follow Jesus?

    In yesterday’s New York Times, the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, called on religious believers of all stripes to “respect, admire and appreciate other traditions.” In doing so, he explained how he has learned from and been inspired by Christianity. He writes: “In my readings of the New Testament, I find myself inspired by Jesus’ acts of compassion. His miracle of the loaves and fishes, his healing and his teaching are all motivated by the desire to relieve suffering.”