• Book Reviews

    Feminism and Porn

    I just read an extremely disturbing review article in the UK’s Guardian newspaper titled “The truth about the porn industry.” It’s about a sociology professor and feminist named Gail Dines who is crusading against pornography in her new book Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality. [I have to warn readers that this article is disturbing precisely because it describes in no uncertain terms the degradation that has become common fare in today’s smut industry. Please beware.]

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Get Serious about Pornography

    Last week, National Review Online published an anonymous article titled “Getting Serious about Pornography.” The testimonial of the author is heart-rending. She writes: “By his own account, my husband of 13 years and high-school sweetheart, was first exposed to pornography around age ten. He viewed it regularly during high school and college — and, although he tried hard to stop, continued to do so throughout the course of our marriage…

  • Politics

    Obama’s Pornography Defending Appointment

    President Obama has recently selected a pornography defending attorney to be Deputy Attorney General of the United States. Albert Mohler wrote about the appointment last week saying this: “One of the leading legal defenders of pornography has been David Ogden, a lawyer who can only be described as a First Amendment extremist, who has even argued against laws against child pornography. “President Barack Obama has nominated David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General of the United States. This nomination is both ominous and dangerous. Given David Ogden’s high visibility in defense of pornography, this nomination sends a clear and unmistakable message. The pornography business will have a friend in high office…

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Mohler and Moore on Pornography

    In light of my blogs from last week on the XXXChurch, I would like bring your attention to R. Albert Mohler and Russell D. Moore’s blogs. Dr. Mohler investigates “Pornified America—The Culture of Pornography” in a review of a book by Pamela Paul. Dr. Moore’s essay is about “Praying for Porn Stars.”

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    The Gospel for Porn Stars and Porn Addicts

    “. . . and such were some of you” (1 Corinthians 6:11) After two critical posts, it’s time to say something constructive. Even if I can’t agree with the methods of the XXXChurch, I do want to affirm their desire to take the Gospel to every sinner. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is just as much for porn stars and porn addicts as it is for any other sinner on planet earth.

  • Comparison of 1925, 1963 and 2000 Baptist Faith and Message

    Comparison of 1925, 1963 and 2000 Baptist Faith and Message Preamble to the 1925 Baptist Faith and Message Preamble to the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message Preamble to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message The report of the Committee on Statement of Baptist Faith and Message was presented as follows by E. Y. Mullins, Kentucky: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE Your committee beg leave to report as follows: Your committee recognize that they were appointed “to consider the advisability of issuing another statement of the Baptist Faith and Message, and report at the next Convention.” In pursuance of the instructions of the Convention, and in consideration…

  • Book Reviews,  Christianity,  Theology/Bible

    Why White Fragility Fails

    Earlier this week, I finished Robin Diangelo’s New York Times #1 Bestselling book White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People To Talk about Racism (Beacon, 2018). A lot of ink has already been spilled over this book, and I suppose that I have little more to add. I won’t write a full review here. If you want that, I recommend Tim Challies’ three–part series. Nevertheless, I do have some observations that I would like to add to the conversation. The basic gist of the book is this. White people participate in a complex system of privilege and white supremacy. Whether they mean to or not, they are therefore…

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Is “Systemic Racism” a Useful Category for Christians to Use?

    I’ve been watching the misadventures of Matthew Franck’s insightful article criticizing the concept of systemic racism. It originally appeared for two hours yesterday morning at Newsweek online. Apparently the opinion editor fought to have it posted, but the editor-in-chief swooped in to remove it without explanation. Franck explains the behind-the-scenes chicanery at The Public Discourse where the full article is now posted. It’s not encouraging. Is the concept of systemic racism so brittle that it can’t be scrutinized? Or are Newsweek editors too afraid to allow a thoughtful piece questioning the new orthodoxy? Who knows? In any case, it’s a shame that Newsweek would not stand by Franck’s column because…