“I will never back down from making sure that women have their reproductive rights here in this country. That’s what’s at stake in this election.”
He’s certainly right about the last part, but tragically wrong about the first. Read the rest here from Michael Foust.
Romans 11:33-36
I totally agree. By the way congrats on the new job at Boyce, I’m sure that you will do great there.
Brian L.
Obama is fighting a battle that is already won: women DO HAVE reproductive rights already (i.e. they can reproduce). He just wants to kill the babies afterwards. Maybe he should change his rhetoric?
Truth Unites.. and Divides
“I will never back down from making sure that women have their reproductive rights here in this country. That’s what’s at stake in this election.â€
Unfortunately, Obama will still get many so-called “moderates” to vote for him.
being pro-choice, at this point, politically speaking, IS a moderate’s point. And I will remind you that I know many, many, many Republicans that are pro-choice.
Just because you might think that you’re the center of the universe doesn’t mean that you’re at the center of the political spectrum.
Truth Unites.. and Divides
being pro-choice, at this point, politically speaking, IS a moderate’s point.
Hmmmmmm, a majority of Americans are pro-life. It follows then that a majority position should be considered the “mainstream” perspective.
The “mainstream” perspective is generally and politically considered the “moderate” viewpoint. Notwithstanding the liberal mainstream media’s attempts to influence and color people’s thinking and thoughts on many issues.
great, find me that same quote in a much less unbiased source. Mmmkay, thanks.
Brian (Another)
I would say it sort of depends on how you view support. Most Americans consider themselves pro-choice.
But that choice isn’t exactly telling. Those who support abortion say that most Americans support abortion, those who denounce say that most want to limit abortion.
All in how you view the statistics. Regardless, the large majority only support abortion under certain circumstances. I.e. they do not support unrestricted access to abortion. As Christians, I would say we see that as the law of God being written on their hearts. People recognize that abortion is inherently wrong. Most even say that there should be very limited access to abortion (just a refinement of the last statement). It disturbs me to see a presidential candidate so polarized and voiced about an issue that he disagrees with the majority of those from whom he is asking votes. Paul, I fathom your view. I vehemently disagree with it, but I understand. Even taking into account that most (according to the gallup poll above) see abortion as at best “one among many†arguments, it seems like so many other positions are affected by abortion. What I mean is that my extreme position on abortion is mirrored by Obama’s extreme position on abortion. It seems that, based on his comments, abortion will be a transcendent value to him when appointing new justices. Obama doesn’t see abortion as a one among many, either, and SC justices will rule on far more than abortion over the next 4 – 8 years. Just a thought. Well, not the last comment on SC justices. I’m fairly certain they’ll make several rulings in that time ;-).
It’s not even close, easily a majority of Americans are pro-life. HOWEVER, a significant number of those are mostly wishy-washy on their pro-life support.
Mark Gibson
They always say that they are pro-life or that they believe abortion is horrible, but believe abortion is a constitutional right.
Sadly, I will have to vote for McCain.
“They always say that they are pro-life or that they believe abortion is horrible, but believe abortion is a constitutional right.”
bingo. That’s been every single respectable report that I’ve seen for as long as I’ve been following politics.
If green’s your favorite color, but everything in your house is red, then your favorite color is red, my friend.
Truth Unites.. and Divides
If green’s your favorite color, but everything in your house is red, then your favorite color is red, my friend.”
If you say that the Written Word and the Living Word of God are your authorities, but everything you say and do follows the secular atheistic culture you live in, then your real authority is secular atheistic culture, my friend.
Truth Unites.. and Divides
“If green’s your favorite color, but everything in your house is red, then your favorite color is red, my friend.”
If you say that the Written Word and the Living Word of God are your authorities, but everything you say and do follows the secular atheistic culture you live in, then your real authority is secular atheistic culture, my friend.
could you have possibly skewed farther astray from the point I was trying to make?
Logic, Reading and Reason are your friends. Treat them like friends, please.
Truth Unites.. and Divides
My point corresponds quite well with your point.
Your failure to understand that shows that you are not a friend to logic, reading, and reason.
no it’s not. It’s a veiled attempt at an ad hominem attack that doesn’t withstand scrutiny.
I tire of you.
“I tire of you.”
Welcome to the crowd
Mark Gibson
I think Paul is pointing out the problem with the pro-choice crowd, which does include plenty of Republicans. They always mention how horrible it is, but how it is okay to have one.
Paul is pro-life but doesn’t see any point to overturning Roe v. Wade. He has correctly pointed out that it would only return the abortion decision to the states. Since he lives in Illinois, he feels as though he is fighting a losing battle. It is probably different for me in Texas.
Sorry if I misrepresented your position in any way. Feel free to correct me.
Truth Unites.. and Divides
Darius : “Perhaps John, you could, for just once, actually do more than engage in ad hominem attacks. In case you don’t know what that means, it means to argue against the person rather than the argument.”
I agree with you Darius.
Thanks for that. I owe you.
Mark nailed my position on the head.
Thanks, mang.
Ooh TUAD, good one. You sure do know how to win an argument (sarcasm).
John, you have yet to actually address one argument with reason or facts. If there is one person on here who is completely irrelevant to the conversation, it is you. You have run away from every debate when faced with actual arguments (though not before you unleash more of your disgusting vitriol).