Personal,  Theology/Bible

My Mentor John Piper and Romans 12:1-2

John Piper discipled me in my car when I attended Dallas Theological Seminary. I used to listen to his sermons as I would commute to and from work and school. Throughout my career in seminary, the Lord used John Piper to shape my thinking about God and the scriptures more than any single teacher that I ever had. I know of no preacher who combines exegetical, theological, and devotional depth like Dr. Piper. His ministry, which is called “Desiring God,” makes all of his sermons (manuscripts and audio) available for free at

I am teaching on Romans 12:1-2 in a Sunday morning bible study at my church. As is normal for me, I draw on a number of different resources in preparing for my teaching. Five of John Piper’s sermons in particular have been tremendously helpful to me, stimulating not only my mind but also my heart. Therefore, I heartily recommend these sermons to you.

Build Your Life on the Mercies of God – by John Piper
Present Your Bodies as a Living Sacrifice to God – by John Piper
Do Not Be Conformed to This World – by John Piper
The Renewed Mind and How to Have It – by John Piper
What Is the Will of God and How Do We Know It? – by John Piper


  • jowiki

    hey, i just found out today that you have a blog. i think it is really good and will be back again. i wish i had known earlier about it because now i want to go back and read all the articles but that is going to take some time. see ya – josh king

  • Josh

    John Piper is amazing. Matt Chandler had one that was amazing as well. It’s on, check him out. But I guess I will see you in class on tuesday.

  • Anonymous

    I agree with Dr. Burk. John Piper does bring an aspect to preaching that has long been forgotten in today’s churches. Do you know what is missing? The God-Centeredness of God, and the Supremacy of God. God used Piper to bring me to saving faith along with Dr. Streett a little over a year ago. I went to church all my life, but never until now have I felt a passion for God for who He is. My heart and life’s goal is now the same as Piper’s, which is “to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the JOY of all peoples.” Thanks.

  • bradstapleton

    I am the anonymous one as before. I am thankful that God introduced me to John Piper when He did. I feel called one day to be a part of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, not just as a member, but I also want to be sent out as a missionary and church planter from there.

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