Culture,  Politics

Methodist Ministers Muzzle Museum

I’ve already written about the Methodist professors who are opposing President Bush’s library that is likely to be built on SMU’s campus (see previous post, “Bush in My Backyard”), but now a group of Methodist ministers have also joined the fray. These ministers stand against the library’s being associated with SMU because they perceive President Bush to be an anti-Christian President. One of the protesting ministers is quoted in the Dallas Morning News saying,

“I think that George Bush has been in his presidency so inconsistent with fundamental Christianity that he should not be associated with a Methodist university. Methodist means decency and this man has not been decent” (source).

Among the anti-Christian deeds these ministers allege Bush to have committed are the invasion of Iraq, detention of prisoners, and torture.

I won’t rehash everything that I wrote in my previous post in response to the professors, but it is worth pointing out that the ministers’ characterization of the Bush presidency is hardly a consensus position. It would be a shame for Dallas to miss out on a presidential library because of these kinds of misguided arguments.

For more on my opinion on the growing opposition, read “Bush in My Backyard”.

Recent Related Articles:
“Methodist ministers launch anti-Bush library petition” – Dallas Morning News

“Bush responds to complaints about SMU library plans” – Dallas Morning News

“Faculty of Dallas University Less Than Thrilled at Prospect of a Bush Library” – Washington Post

“S.M.U. Chief Says Bush Library Would Be a Boon for the Campus” – New York Times

“Ambushing the Bush Legacy” – Wall Street Journal

“Faculty at S.M.U. Voices Concern About Bush Library” – by Ralph Blumenthal (New York Times)

“The George W. Bush Library: asset or albatross?” – by Bill McElvaney and Susanne Johnson (The Daily Campus)


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