John Piper’s essay on the Danish Cartoon controversy is a must-read. It clearly and respectfully delineates the differences between Christianity and Islam and calls for people to see the supremacy of Christ crucified.
“Being Mocked: The Essence of Christ’s Work, Not Muhammad’s” – by John Piper
Go read it. You’ll be glad you did.
can i be honest? you cannot read your site for anything on mac’s. the layout is cool but the color of the text makes it impossible to read. change or not, its all good, but you should add the protestant pub to your links.
Excellent article, thanks.
In a typical scathing article penned by Ann Coulter that came out yesterday, Ann commented that the Koran has had some revisionist element to it: images of Muhammad weren’t always prohibited. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
Grace and peace,
Luke Britt
Josh, get Firefox, you dummy face.
Piper’s article was good.
The article was great!
What a difference, Honor vs. Humbleness
Wade +