
Iowa Caucuses: Do You Remember the Last Time?

Today the Iowa caucuses will be meeting to choose their nominees for president. There have been many predictions as to who will come out on top. I don’t think any of the ones doing the predicting have any clue about what will really happen.

I remember that four years ago, many of the prognosticators saw Howard Dean as the inevitable winner of the Democrat caucuses in Iowa. Boy were they wrong. After finishing a disappointing third place, Dean put an exclamation point on his defeat with a rare display of . . . Hmm. . . Shall we say, jubilance?

We should have learned four years ago not to be surprised by surprises. Who knows what will happen by the time the caucuses finish tonight? I’ll be watching to find out.


  • MatthewS

    Today I was at a coffee shop. A local TV news crew was asking everyone who they would vote for if they were at the Iowa caucuses. My best answer was that National Review had picked Romney so I would probably lean that way as well, however Huckabee also looks interesting.

    They were also asking people whom they most did not want to win.

    I am curious what the readers here would have answered.

    I was put on the spot, so I am passing the favor along: If you were to vote in the Iowas caucuses today, who would you vote for? Why? Who would you most want not to win?

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