Here’s another post for the humor category. This video is a PR stunt to promote the A&E reality program “Hammertime.” What is perhaps even more entertaining than these dancers invading the department store is the fact that about 20 years ago I did a killer “running man” myself. I had some moves. Fortunately, no one has any video footage of that!
That was hilarious! I love the old guy with the sweat band. And I’m pretty sure I saw you in that crowd…
don’t be so sure denny!
The old man at about :51 is hilarious. 1)because he has a neck tie around his head, 2)because he’s actually out there in the midst of them, and 3) because he really is in to it! and 4) because he’s pretty good!
PS – Bro, I think I have footage somewhere . .
Yeah, Denny, I am not sure I would make that claim…I am in DeRidder right now, and there are a lot of people who remember you as a youngster…some of them might have some bootleg tape….
Denny Burk
Faimon,you are in a position of great power. I don’t know who to fear more, you or Barry!
James A. Smith, Sr.
Denny, are you sure video hasn’t caught you? That first guy kinda looks like you (perhaps 20 years ago!).
Patti Lucas
I’m sure we can find some footage from one of those DHS dances……..
Denny Burk
Patti, let’s hope not! Great to hear from you.
Brian Krieger
I just won a bunch of money by taking the over recently*, we can apply it towards a bribe for you…….
* – ha ha, ref the McKnight post.
Douglas J. Bender
I can’t play it. Which may or may not be a good thing.