Book Reviews,  Christianity,  Theology/Bible

A Must-Read: Adopted for Life by Russell Moore

If you haven’t done so already, you need to buy and read Russell Moore’s new book Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches. Not only is this book is a real page-turner, it also makes a compelling case for the cultivation of an adoption culture within churches for the sake of gospel witness. Moore writes,

“The gospel of Jesus Christ means our families and churches ought to be at the forefront of the adoption of orphans close to home and around the world. . . Adoption is about an entire culture within our churches, a culture that sees adoption as part of our Great Commission mandate and as a sign of the gospel itself” (pp. 18-19).

Among other things, Moore shows that Christians bear witness to the gospel in a unique way through adoption. He writes,

“I want to ask what it would mean if our churches and families were known as the people who adopt babies—and toddlers, and children, and teenagers. What if Christians were known, once again, as the people who take orphans and make of them beloved sons and daughters?” (p. 20)

Dr. Moore answers this question by setting the doctrinal issues within the framework of his own experience of adopting two baby boys from Russia. This book is not merely a page-turner; it’s heart-wrencher. You need to read this book. Expect to be changed as you do.


Dr. Moore will be signing books at the Southern Baptist Convention next week in Louisville, Kentucky. If you are going to be in town, please drop by the booth of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from 11-12pm, Monday, June 22. You can meet Dr. Moore, purchase a copy of the book, and have it signed. I hope to see you there.


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