Culture,  Theology/Bible

Fighting the Good Fight against Abortion

Dr. William Cutrer is the medical director of a crisis pregnancy center that is featured in today’s New York Times. The article is titled “Some Abortion Foes Forgo Politics for Quiet Talk.” Dr. Cutrer is an OB-GYN who also serves as a Professor of Christian Ministry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a special friend who ministered to my wife and me while we were living in Louisville, KY.

This article puts to the lie the notion that pro-life people do not care about women. A Woman’s Choice Resource Center where Dr. Cutrer works not only counsels women against abortion, but also provides material and financial resources for those who decide to carry their babies to term. Moreover, the center also has open arms for any woman in need of counseling after they have gone through with an abortion.

The kind of work being done at the Center is probably the most important front in the ongoing public battle over abortion rights. At the end of the day, abortion-on-demand will only be turned back when the hearts and minds of the American people are won over to the pro-life cause. The work being done by people like Dr. Cutrer will go farther to win people over than any piece of legislation passed in Congress or any judge confirmed to the U. S. Supreme Court.

Thanks, Dr. Cutrer, for fighting the good fight.

[You might be interested in checking out some of the books that Dr. Cutrer has authored. The titles are listed below.]
When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden: Encouragement for Couples Facing Infertility
Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
Simply Romantic Nights
Lethal Harvest

Deadly Cure (fiction)
False Positive (fiction)

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