I am grateful to have received a copy of Entrusted with the Gospel: Pastoral Expositions of 2 Timothy edited by D. A. Carson. It’s a compilation of sermons from the plenary addresses at the 2009 meeting of The Gospel Coalition. At one level, the book is a popular-level commentary on the text of 2 Timothy. At another level, the book is a study in the different preaching styles of its authors—a list that includes John Piper, Phil Ryken, Mark Driscoll, Bryan Chapel, and Lig Duncan. For all their differences, the editor still finds value in each of them. In the introduction, Carson writes:
“The best of expository preaching takes its message and its thrust, and, ideally, even its form, from the biblical text itself. Most of our preachers managed this superbly while remaining, in form and style, exceedingly diverse” (p. 10).
Here’s the table of contents:
Preface by D. A. Carson 9
1 Feed the Flame of God’s Gift: Unashamed Courage 11 in the Gospel (2 Timothy 1:1–12) by John Piper
2 The Pattern of Sound Words (2 Timothy 1:13–2:13) by Philip Ryken
3 The Marks of Positive Ministry (2 Timothy 2:14–26) by Mark Driscoll
4 Shadowlands: Pitfalls and Parodies of Gospel-Centered Ministry (2 Timothy 3:1–9) by K. Edward Copeland
5 Preach the Word! (2 Timothy 3:10–4:5) by Bryan Chapell
6 Finishing Well 125 (2 Timothy 4:6–22) by J. Ligon Duncan
Buy it here.