
Mark Dever at Boyce College


It was our great pleasure to welcome Mark Dever to the campus of Boyce College this week to preach at our weekly Dorm Meeting. He addressed the topics of conversion and evangelism, and it was a great message. You can download the audio here or listen below.


One particular point of Dever’s message has been on my mind all week. Dever challenged us to consider the role that our local church plays in our evangelism. He urged us to ponder the fact that the New Testament intends our local church to be a central piece of evidence to unbelievers of the veracity of our message. Could it be that our evangelistic efforts are ineffective because our love for one another is so small? Isn’t this precisely the same connection Jesus made when he said, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35)?

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