• Politics

    Huckabee Is Growing on Me

    I haven’t decided to add my (truly meager) endorsement to any of the Presidential candidates yet. But I have to admit that Huckabee is growing on me. In today’s Washington Post, Michael Gerson takes a swipe at Pat Robertson’s cynical endorsement of Rudy Giuliani and has this to say about Huckabee:

  • Politics,  Theology/Bible

    No Religious Test . . . Except for O’Reilly’s

    Mike Huckabee went Bill O’Reilly’s show last week and was subjected to a barrage of questions about his religious beliefs. In particular, he was asked whether he believed in Adam and Eve and whether he believed only Christians go the heaven. Huckabee did pretty well answering the first question and not so well answering the second. On the second question, I think he was trying too hard to avoid answering such questions. The answer ended up sort of muddled. Anyway, if you missed it, here’s the video.

  • Politics

    My Take on Pat Robertson’s Endorsement of Giuliani

    Initially, I wasn’t sure if shock or utter frustration was the dominant emotion evoked by the news of Pat Robertson’s endorsement of Rudy Giuliani. The more I have had time to think about it, the more I’m convinced it’s the latter rather than the former. On the merits, Robertson’s stated reasons for supporting Giuliani do not measure up to what pro-life voters expect from leaders in the pro-life movement. In announcing his endorsement, Robertson said

  • Personal,  Politics

    Expatriates for Bayou Bobby

    I have often said that I feel like I have a dual citizenship on earth. My earliest memories of life are in Texas, but I was born and raised in Louisiana. I have a special affection for both places, but Louisiana is still home base. Nevertheless, the politics at home base have often been less than exemplary. I can remember the infamy of having Grand Wizard David Duke and crook Edwin Edwards as our two choices for governor. Thankfully, we elected the crook. But how low have the politics sunk when citizens have to make such a choice?

  • Politics,  Theology/Bible

    John Piper on Women in Combat

    Check out John Piper’s article from World Magazine on women in combat. Here’s a snippet: “If I were the last man on the planet to think so, I would want the honor of saying no woman should go before me into combat to defend my country. A man who endorses women in combat is not pro-woman; he’s a wimp. He should be ashamed. For most of history, in most cultures, he would have been utterly scorned as a coward to promote such an idea. Part of the meaning of manhood as God created us is the sense of responsibility for the safety and welfare of our women.” Read the rest…

  • Politics

    The Halloween Debate

    I just finished watching the Democrat Debate for President on MSNBC, and I think it will go down in history as the “Halloween Debate.” Why? Because some of the things that were said were downright scary. Not only did Dennis Kucinich confess that he believes in UFO’s, but he also claimed that he has seen one! We have a candidate for President who believes in UFO’s! Now that’s spooky, but that’s not even the scary part. He also said that America should unilaterally disarm its nuclear arsenal because it would encourage Iran to stop seeking nuclear weapons. Why is this guy getting any time during what is supposed to be…

  • Politics

    NY Times: Wrong about Evangelicals, Right about Giuliani

    David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times writes an interesting piece about the “The Evangelical Crackup.” The article focuses on the shifting political allegiances of evangelical Christians in America. His contention is that the Christian conservative voting bloc is about to fall apart and go the way of the dinosaur. Although I think Kirkpatrick’s understanding of the evangelical movement is seriously deficient, he has one think right. If Rudy Giuliani becomes the Republican nominee for president, there will be a tectonic shift in the Republican party. He writes: