Personal,  Politics

Expatriates for Bayou Bobby

I have often said that I feel like I have a dual citizenship on earth. My earliest memories of life are in Texas, but I was born and raised in Louisiana. I have a special affection for both places, but Louisiana is still home base.

Nevertheless, the politics at home base have often been less than exemplary. I can remember the infamy of having Grand Wizard David Duke and crook Edwin Edwards as our two choices for governor. Thankfully, we elected the crook. But how low have the politics sunk when citizens have to make such a choice?

That is why I was elated that Bobby Jindal won the recent election for governor of Louisiana. That is also why I even took the time to write about it two weeks ago on this blog, and you can read about it here. Jindal ran on an ethics reform platform, and many of us are anticipating better days ahead for the bayou state.

I’m writing again today to draw your attention to a column by Rod Dreher that really captures what it means to be an expatriate of Louisiana. There is at once the expectation of disappointment with politics as usual, but also the hope that things might be better. Dreher’s column is a must-read, at least for all of my fellow expatriates.

Laisse le bon Jindal rouler! ๐Ÿ™‚

“Bayou Bobby: A new governor offers hope for disaffected Louisiana expats” รขโ‚ฌโ€œ by Rod Dreher (

One Comment

  • G. F. McDowell

    Sorry, but Mr. French Grammar is here for a visit, and couldn’t hold himself back from offering a correction of the italicized exclamation above. You’ve mixed plural verbs with a singluar noun. A better approach would be: Laisse le bon Jindal rouler. But it’s still awkward. Where will he roll? Why is he rolling? Why do you call him good?


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