• Entertainment,  Personal

    Saturday Morning Cartoons

    Did anyone else grow up watching Saturday morning cartoons? I loved the Looney Tunes and anything Disney (though you couldn’t watch Disney on Saturday mornings). Anywho, I came across a couple of classics last week on YouTube and have decided to share. Enjoy this blast from the past!

  • Christianity,  Personal

    ‘Confessions of a Pastor’ in Defense of Mohler

    When I was a candidate for the Ph.D. at Southern Seminary, I spent the vast majority of my time with faculty who were specialists in the New Testament. As a result, I missed out on getting to know some of the faculty representing other disciplines. One of the men that I didn’t get to know very well was Dr. Hershael York, Professor of Preaching. I think we have met a couple of times, but in reality I hardly know Dr. York personally. But let me say that I love him nevertheless. He keeps a blog called “Confessions of a Pastor” that is one of the most enjoyable blogs that I…

  • Culture,  Music,  Personal

    High School Musical (please forgive frivolous post)

    This is a frivolous post. But I’m doing it anyway. Is there anyone out there willing to admit that they are fans of “High School Musical”? Granted, the basketball “players” look like they can hardly even dribble, much less actually play basketball [Note to central casting: Next time you need to cast a realistic looking basketball player, try not to hire a Justin Guarini look-alike]. Talking about this movie is a capitulation to a cheesy pop culture phenomenon. But I’m still wondering who will fess up to making plans to watch “High School Musical 2” tonight? “To answer your question, it’s even better than the first one.” –Los Angeles Times…

  • Personal,  Theology/Bible

    Candidate for Pastor at FBC Dallas

    Though this post may be of interest to some people outside of Dallas, it’s really intended for members of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. It is widely known and reported (see here and here) that Dr. Robert Jeffress will be preaching in view of a call this Sunday morning at First Dallas. The membership of First Dallas will vote whether to call him as pastor after the service.

  • Personal,  Theology/Bible

    To Change It Would Make It Worse

    There have been a lot of comments under my post about John Piper’s remarks concerning the collapse of the I-35 bridge. The controversy has centered on how God can be sovereign given that the world is filled with suffering. My best friend of 23 years has written on this topic, and you may want to check it out. It’s a personal reflection on his mother’s death that is worth considering. “To Change It Would Make It Worse” – by Barry Joslin (Baptist Press) 

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Personal

    Before and After Pictures of Collapsed Bridge

    A friend of mine just sent me a link to some before and after pictures of the collapsed bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The photos go back to 1967 when the bridge was under construction. Here’s the link: “Interstate 35W Bridge Collapse, Minneapolis, Minnesota.” Also, be sure to follow the Desiring God blog’s commentary on the disaster. The newest entries include a video from the scene and a poem by John Piper.

  • Christianity,  Personal

    John Piper on the Calamity in Minneapolis

    John Piper has just written on the Desiring God blog about the tragedy in Minneapolis: “Putting My Daughter to Bed Two Hours After the Bridge Collapsed.” He reports: “At about 6 PM tonight the bridge of Interstate 35W over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapsed. I am writing this about three hours after the bridge fell. The bridge is located within sight of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Most of us who minister at the church cross this bridge several times a week. At this point I don’t know if any staff was on the bridge. Desiring God offices are about a mile from the bridge.” You’ll want to read the rest…

  • Christianity,  Personal

    Tragedy in Minneapolis

    About 2,000 feet of a heavily trafficked bridge collapsed in the middle of rush hour today in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As many of you know, John Piper’s Desiring God ministries and Bethlehem Baptist Church are right there in downtown Minneapolis. It turns out that the bridge is only about a mile from the Desiring God office and that folks from Desiring God travel on it often. I just received a note from Abraham Piper, and he says that they are not yet aware of anyone from Desiring God being involved in the tragedy. Jon Bloom has already written about the bridge collapse over at the Desiring God blog and has asked…

  • Christianity,  Personal

    FBC Pell City, Alabama

    I have been on vacation for the past week, and this morning I had occasion to visit the First Baptist Church of Pell City, Alabama. I didn’t know anything about the church or the pastor as I walked into the sanctuary for morning worship. So, I was delighted to find how God-honoring it turned out to be. Pastor John Thweatt preached on Galatians 2:20, and the sermon was exceptional. I’m writing about my experience this morning because I think it’s worth noting when you come across something valuable. I have heard many Southern Baptist preachers, and there simply aren’t that many anymore who open up their Bible, explain the meaning…