You may have heard a little something about the Bibliotheca project—a Kickstarter venture aimed at producing a Bible worthy to be judged by its cover. But have you heard of Biblica Hipsteria? Not only will this Bible make you look good. It will turn you into a Democrat! This is a devastating parody and laugh-out-loud funny. Seriously, though. Doesn’t everyone need a Bible with a mustache on the cover?
Michael Bird, you are cracking me up over here! But I do have one question. Did you have to borrow those clothes?
Adam C
Psh. I started reading Biblica Hipsteria before it was cool.
Adam Cavalier
Woops. Forgot to include my last name. Psh. Last names are so mainstream.
“Biblica Hipsteria. Sounds kind of Latin. Latin is cool.” Hipsterically funny.
Don Johnson
I want that book cover so I can have a mustache on my Bible.
Michael Bird
Denny, mate, only the glasses. The shirt, beanie, and skinny jeans are all mine. Though I had to get rid of the beard. Got sick and tired of being asked for my seniors card!
James Harold Thomas
I’ve always wondered why we let the hipster/emergent crowd think they invented the whole “God’s Word as story” thing.
I heard that preached 30 years ago in a rural Southern Baptist church. From a 60+ year old preacher. Behind a huge wooden pulpit.