• Culture,  Politics

    President Gerald Ford, R.I.P.

    Former President Gerald Ford has died. President George W. Bush has released a statement saying that “President Ford was a great American who gave many years of dedicated service to our country. On August 9, 1974, after a long career in the House of Representatives and service as Vice President, he assumed the Presidency in an hour of national turmoil and division.

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Essential Books for Understanding Christianity

    In today’s Wall Street Journal, George Weigel gives his Top 5 “Essential books for understanding Christianity.” I’m glad that he picked one old book, Dante’s Divine Comedy, but the other four are all from the 20th century. It seems rather odd to suggest that four of the five essential books for understanding a two-thousand year old religion would all have been written within the last twenty-five years. In any case, it seems to me that Weigel left off one fairly influential volume. As it turns out, this particular book has been pretty helpful for Christians throughout the history of the church. Needless to say, my “Top 5” would have looked…

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Perturbed at Al Mohler?

    No, I am not perturbed at Dr. Mohler, but the commenters at the Washington Post‘s “On Faith” blog are. Dr. Mohler has been contributing to this online forum for religious dialog, and his essays seem to be generating the most response from readers. As a matter of fact, the number of comments on Dr. Mohler’s essays have been positively disproportionate. Under Dr. Mohler’s most recent contribution, he has 275 comments (at my last count). Of the other seven panelists, the one closest in number to Dr. Mohler has 51 comments.

  • Culture,  Politics,  Theology/Bible

    Harvesting Body Parts from Aborted Babies

    Here is the brave new world in which we are living. The Associated Press reports that Doctors in Oregon took brain cells from an aborted baby and implanted them in a 6-year old boy. Last month in Portland, Ore., doctors for the first time transplanted stem cells from aborted fetuses into his head in a desperate bid to reverse, or at least slow, a rare genetic disorder called Batten disease. The so-far incurable condition normally results in blindness and paralysis before death.

  • Culture

    Rocky 6?!

    I was in the 7th grade when Rocky IV came out. As the cold war and the specter of a nuclear showdown weighed heavily on my little 13 year old brain, I remember feeling that it was very important for Rocky to beat the snot out of Ivan Drago. That is why my best friend and I stood up in our seats at the theater and cheered Rocky as he found his second wind and pounded Drago into submission.

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    Mark Driscoll and the Fizzled Protest

    Perhaps you’ve heard about the storm of controversy surrounding Pastor Mark Driscoll and some of the things he wrote on his blog about pastors’ wives. Driscoll has been roundly criticized by non-Christians and Christians alike for what he said, and he has since apologized for his tone, though not for the substance of his theological views.

  • Culture,  Theology/Bible

    To Date Or Not To Date

    To date or not to date. That is Scott Croft’s question in a provocative article in the Boundless Webzine titled, “Biblical Dating: An Introduction.” Scott Croft is an elder at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and in this article he contrasts modern dating practices with what he calls “biblical dating.” What follows is a teaser that I hope will entice you to read Croft’s entire piece.