• Culture

    Why “Evan Almighty” Flopped

    Mark Joseph over at FoxNews.com reviews the movie-made-for-faith-audiences, “Evan Almighty.” Joseph gives an excellent post-mortem of a movie that did not do near as well as its hawkers had hoped. The best line from the review: “It’s one of the worst cinematic miscalculations this side of Ishtar.” In case you didn’t know, the “Ishtar” comparison is the Scarlet “A” of Hollywood. If your movie gets compared to “Ishtar,” you’ve got a lemon on your hands. You can’t get any lower than “Ishtar.” Here’s a little more from the review:

  • Culture

    Protesting Paris (and rightfully so)

    Kudos to MSNBC reporter Mika Brzezinski who refused to talk about Paris Hilton on a morning news show (watch it here). Her producer repeatedly put the story in front of her as the lead, and each time she refused to report it, choosing instead to tear up the paper on which it was written. Way to go Mika!

  • Christianity,  Culture,  Politics

    Russell Moore Goes to Washington

    She’s not a pugilist even though her name is Barbara Boxer. And Dr. Russell Moore will be testifying before her Senate committee this Thursday morning, 10:00 AM ET, June 7 (see full schedule). The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works will be holding hearings this week entitled “An Examination of the Views of Religious Organizations Regarding Global Warming.” Dr. Moore will testify among a constellation of religious illuminati from all sides of the theological spectrum. In fact, the first person scheduled to testify is Katherine Jefforts Schori, the controversial Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. I don’t know where Moore is on the global warming question, but my…

  • Culture

    The Season Finale of “Lost”

    There was a lull in the storyline of “Lost” this season, and I was about to give up on the show altogether. But my relationship to the “Lost” series can be compared to Michael Corleone’s relationship to the mafia: “Just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in!” All I can say now is that after the season finale, my attention to this story has been totally reinvigorated. “Lost” is a fascinating show with a host of religious and philosophical undertones. Characters are named after famous philosophers (e.g., John Locke, Desmond David Hume), storylines are mistaken for religious narratives (e.g., the theory that the island is purgatory), and…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Billy Graham on Jerry Falwell

    The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association released these remarks from Billy Graham concerning the death of Jerry Falwell: “I knew him to be a man of God. His accomplishments went beyond most clergy of his generation. Some of my grandchildren have attended and currently attend Liberty University. He leaves a gigantic vacuum in the evangelical world.” –Billy Graham

  • Christianity,  Culture

    The Legacy of Jerry Falwell

    The panelists at the “On Faith” site of the Washington Post are discussing the legacy of Dr. Jerry Falwell. So far, there are only two responses, one by Susan Jacoby and the other by R. Albert Mohler, but I expect that we’ll see many more. I’ll post some of my own reflections later. Dr. Mohler writes: