She’s not a pugilist even though her name is Barbara Boxer. And Dr. Russell Moore will be testifying before her Senate committee this Thursday morning, 10:00 AM ET, June 7 (see full schedule).
The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works will be holding hearings this week entitled “An Examination of the Views of Religious Organizations Regarding Global Warming.” Dr. Moore will testify among a constellation of religious illuminati from all sides of the theological spectrum. In fact, the first person scheduled to testify is Katherine Jefforts Schori, the controversial Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.
I don’t know where Moore is on the global warming question, but my hunch is that he will probably be somewhere to the right of Schori and Boxer. In fact, when she hears Dr. Moore’s testimony, Boxer may turn out to be a pugilist after all.
Dr. Moore has his work cut out for him, and we should all be praying for him as we tune in to C-SPAN this Thursday morning.
“An Examination of the Views of Religious Organizations Regarding Global Warming”
Thursday, June 7, 2007 10:00 AM
EPW Hearing Room – 406 Dirksen
The Most Rev. Dr. Katherine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop
The Episcopal Church
Rabbi David Saperstein
Director and Counsel
Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism
John Carr
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Rev. Jim Ball
Evangelical Climate Initiative
Dr. Russell Moore
Dean of the School of Theology
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Rev. Dr. Jim Tonkowich
Institute on Religion and Democracy
Mr. David Barton
Author and Historian
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