• Christianity,  News

    Matt Chandler on a Big Platform

    As I write this, the Associated Press story about Matt Chandler is the featured article on MSNBC.com. Chandler’s cancer has led to the gospel being proclaimed in the AP. And it’s not coming from a guy who just won a gold medal or the Superbowl. It’s coming from a guy who is suffering. Praise God that Chandler is not wasting his cancer. The AP writes: His theology teaches that all men are wicked, that human beings have offended a loving and sovereign God, and that God saves through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection — not because people do good deeds. In short, Chandler is a Calvinist, holding to a belief…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    TIME on Gay “Marriage” Trial

    Don’t miss Michael Lindenberger’s TIME magazine article on the closing arguments of the gay “marriage” trial in California. He sums up the stakes of this case very well: “What’s equally clear now, after nearly three weeks of evidence, is that no matter what happens, the debate over gay marriage will never again be the same

  • Christianity,  Sports

    Drew Brees on His Faith

    Drew Brees sat down for an interview with Sharing the Victory magazine to talk about football and his faith. While he doesn’t talk about the gospel or what church he attends, his conversion testimony sounds like something one would experience in a church associated with the evangelical movement. He also says that coming to New Orleans was a “calling” for him. He believes that the shoulder injury that ended his career in San Diego and that brought him to New Orleans was the work of God. There’s also talk about his charitable work and his involvement with FCA. I am a Christian, and I am a sports fan. So I…

  • Christianity

    Driscoll in Haiti

    Pastor Mark Driscoll filmed a video documentary of his trip to view the devastation in Haiti. He partnered with a group called “Churches Helping Churches” and was able to make contacts with numerous pastors and church leaders in Haiti. The scenes here are grim and disturbing. Driscoll and his crew witnessed a murder, which is also a part of the documentary. As you can imagine, this is hard to watch, but worth the time if you do. Pray for Haiti and the churches in Port-au-Prince. Galatians 6:10 “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of…

  • Christianity,  Sports

    Tebow Ad: Politics or Christianity?

    I wrote last week about Tim Tebow’s pro-life commercial to be aired during the Superbowl. The spot has already sparked controversy even though no one has even seen the ad yet. ABC News reports that pro-choice and homosexual activist groups on the campus of the University of Florida are already taking shots at Tebow for going “political.” Daniel Smith, UF associate professor of political science and faculty adviser to “Gators for Choice,” says that, “It’s a big coming-out party for Tim Tebow in terms of moving from athletic superstar to the political realm. . . Whoever wants to pay for an ad during the Super Bowl should be able to…

  • Christianity

    Greater Things

    The line-up for the SBC Pastor’s conference has been announced, and it looks to be a good one. The theme is “Greater Things,” and SBTS’s own Albert Mohler and Russell Moore are on the roster. Check out the website here. The full list of speakers is below.

  • Christianity

    Support Abortion Alternatives

    Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and I delivered the sermon this morning at my church here in Louisville, Kenwood Baptist Church. My text was Proverbs 24:10-12. At the end of the sermon, I exhorted the congregation to support alternatives to abortion with their prayer, time, and money. I mentioned two organizations in particular here in Louisville that they might consider supporting. Here are the names, links, and info about both of these groups. A Woman’s Choice Resource Center is a crisis pregnancy center that assists pregnant women with free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, maternity/infant clothing, counseling, and information about adoption. The Center is a frontline effort at convincing women…

  • Christianity,  Culture

    Prop 8 Opponents Attack Religion

    Yesterday saw some very sad developments in the case against “Proposition 8,” a public referendum that banned same-sex marriage in California. The Los Angeles Times reports: Challengers of California’s ban on same-sex marriage tried to show Wednesday that religion has promoted discrimination against gays.

  • Christianity

    Sunday in Haiti

    “Think of our new village here as the home of Jesus Christ, not the scene of a disaster. Life is not a disaster. Life is joy! You don’t have food? Nourish yourself with the Lord. You don’t have water? Drink in the spirit.” -Rev. Joseph Lejeune, Evangelical Pastor in Port-Au-Prince The lines above are but one example of the sermons being preached in Port-Au-Prince on Sunday morning, according to a NY Times report. In varying versions, this scene repeated itself throughout the Haitian capital on Sunday. With many of their churches flattened and their priests and pastors killed, Haitians desperate for aid and comfort beseeched God to ease their grief.…